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Bayesian Statistics I

© Universität Bielefeld

Winter 2020/21: Bayesian Statistics I


Bayesian thinking differs from frequentist statistics in its interpretation of probability and uncertainty. It complements the existing statistical toolbox with powerful methods for simulation and inference. The lectures Bayesian Statistics I and II aim to familiarize the students to the Bayesian approach. The first part deals with the theoretical fundamentals and the principles of estimating, testing, forecasting and model assessment. In addition, Bayesian regression concepts and computer-​intensive simulation methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) are introduced. The second part complements and deepens these topics, for example by Bayesian nonparametric density estimation, Bayesian model choice and Approximate Bayesian Computing (ABC).

General information

LecturersProf. Dr. Christiane Fuchs (lectures), Houda Yaqine (exercises)

Type: Lecture with (optional but recommended) exercises

Study achievements (Studienleistungen): Study achievements for the exercise classes can be fulfilled by preparation and one submission of exercise sheets.

Recommended prerequisites: Good knowledge of statistics (esp. (conditional) densities/probabilities, likelihood inference, regression) and R

Module allocation: see eKVV (lecture) and eKVV (exercises)

Dates: The lectures and exercise classes take place in an online format (live zoom conferences, single lectures potentially also as recorded videos). Live meetings will be on Thursdays and Fridays as listen in the following. Please check this page regularly for updates! Access details are sent to the students via email / eKVV.

Date Type Time Format
05.11.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
12.11.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
13.11.2020 (Fri) exercises 12:15-13:45 live zoom meeting
19.11.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
26.11.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
27.11.2020 (Fri) exercises 12:15-13:45 live zoom meeting
03.12.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
10.12.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
11.12.2020 (Fri) exercises 12:15-13:45 live zoom meeting
17.12.2020 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
07.01.2021 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 no lecture
14.01.2021 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
15.01.2021 (Fri) exercises 12:15-13:45 live zoom meeting
21.01.2021 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
28.01.2021 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
29.01.2021 (Fri) exercises 12:15-13:45 live zoom meeting
04.02.2021 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
11.02.2021 (Thu) lecture 14:15-15:45 live zoom meeting
12.02.2021 (Fri) exercises 12:15-13:45 live zoom meeting


  • Lee: Bayesian Statistics. Wiley, 4th edition.
  • Gelman et al.: Bayesian Data Analysis. CRC Press, 3rd edition.
  • Held & Sabanés Bové: Applied Statistical Inference. Springer.


Lecture slides, exercise sheets and further material will be made available via LernraumPlus.

This class is supported by DataCamp, a learning platform for data science. Members of this class can access all courses for free. The invitation link is available through LernraumPlus.

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