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Thesis Topics

Prof. Dr. Kevin Tierney

© Universität Bielefeld

Thesis Topics

All of the following topics can be written in English or German! Bachelors thesis topics are not explicitly listed, but the topics are similar to those listed here. We often have other topics available; we rarely update this website. Just contact us for the latest topics.

1. Optimizing Container Barge Stowage Plans

This topic is perfect for anyone interested in working with a real company to solve a difficult, real-world problem. The goal is to model the problem faced by the company mathematically and implement a prototype system for providing decision support.

More information:  pdf

2. Deep Learning Tree Search

We have created a technique combing deep neural networks with a tree search. This technique can solve optimization problems and we are currently looking for students interested in using it to model problems from the Operations Research literature. This topic is perfect for anyone with an interest in both machine learning (in particular deep learning) and operations research/analytics.

More information: pdf

3. Optimizing Container Terminal Yard Stacking and Retrieval Procedures

Interested in global supply chains and container logistics? The goal of this thesis topic is to make the transportation of containers even more efficient through optimized handling procedures within a container terminal. This topic is good for anyone interested in mathematical modeling and/or simulation.

Mor information: pdf

4. Suggest a topic

Do you have an idea you would like to study? Come by and we will discuss whether it can be advised within the DOT group.

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