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    © Universität Bielefeld

Dr. Markus Günther

Akademischer Oberrat a.Z. 

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
LS BWL Innovations- und Technologiemanagement

Universitätsstr. 25
D-33615 Bielefeld, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 521.106-4893
E-Mail: markus.guenther@uni-bielefeld.de

Büro: UHG V9-153, Lage-/Raumplan


Stummer C., Günther M., Höfler A.M. (2020) Grundzüge des Innovations- und Technologiemanagements. 4. Aufl., facultas, Vienna

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Günther M. (2021) Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics, 91 (9), 1469-1497

Klein M, Lüpke L, Günther M. (2020) Home charging and electric vehicle diffusion: Agent-based simulation using choice-based conjoint data. Transportation Research Part D , 86, 102475.

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2019) Stimulating academic patenting in a university ecosystem: An agent-based simulation approach. Journal of Technology Transfer , 44 (2), 434-461

Stummer C., Günther M. (2017) Szenario-Analyse trifft agentenbasierte Marktsimulation: Ein hybrider Ansatz zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der strategischen Technologieplanung. Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis , 26 (3), 17-22

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R. (2015) Innovation diffusion of repeat purchase products in a competitive market: An agent-based simulation approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 245 (1), 157-167

Zsifkovits M., Günther M. (2015) Simulating resistances in innovation diffusion over multiple generations: An agent-based approach for fuel-cell vehicles. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 27 (3), 501-522

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C., Günther M. (2013) Market introduction and diffusion of new products: Recent developments in agent-based modeling. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 10 (5), 1-19

Kopetzky R., Günther M., Kryvinska N., Mladenow A., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2013) Strategic management of disruptive technologies: A practical framework in the context of voice services and of computing towards the cloud. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 4 (1), 47-59

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) Agent-based simulation of innovation diffusion: A review. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 20 (2), 183-230

Stummer C., Günther M. (2011) Die Balanced Scorecard im Innovationsmanagement. Business + Innovation, 2 (4), 31-39

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2011) Game-based learning in technology management education: A novel business simulation. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 6 (1), 20-25

Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M., Wildpaner M. (2011) An agent-based simulation approach for the new product diffusion of a novel biomass fuel, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62 (1), 12-20.

Ballestero E., Günther M., Pla-Santamaria D., Stummer C. (2007) Portfolio selection under strict uncertainty: A multi-criteria methodology and its application to the Frankfurt and Vienna Stock Exchanges, European Journal of Operational Research, 181 (3), 1476-1487

Fürnsinn S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2007) Adopting energy flow charts for the economic analysis of process innovations, Technovation, 27 (11), 693-703

Stummer C., Günther M. (2002) Zum Einsatz betriebswirtschaftlicher Modelle bei der F&E-Projektauswahl, Die Betriebswirtschaft, 62 (3), 289-304

Witteborg A. H., Römer M., Günther, M., Borgstedt R., Jansen G. (2022) Monte-Carlo Simulation Based on Patient-Individual Distributions for Supporting Intensive Care Occupancy Management. In: Bui, T. X. (eds) Proceedings of the 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3699-3708

Günther M., Klein M., Lüpke L. (2018) An agent-based simulation using conjoint data: the case of electric vehicles in Germany. In: Kliewer N., Ehmke J., Borndörfer R. (eds) Operations Research Proceedings 2017. Springer, 595-601

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S., Günther M. (2018) Agentenbasierte Marktsimulation - ein Spezialwerkzeug. In: Siebe A. (eds.) Die Zukunft vorausdenken und gestalten. Springer, 125-142

Günther M., Lüpke L., Stummer C. (2017) Cross-over between scenario analysis and agent-based market simulation for technology planning. In: Proceedings of PICMET '17: Technology Management for Interconnected World. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 1-9

Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Simulating the diffusion of competing multi-generation technologies: An agent-based model and its application to the consumer computer market in Germany. In: Fink A., Fügenschuh A., Geiger M.J. (eds) Operations Research Proceedings 2016. Springer, 569-574

Günther M. (2016), Diffusion of multiple technology generations: an agent-based simulation approach. In: Kocaoglu D. F., Anderson T. R., Daim T. U., Kozanoglu D. C., Niwa K., Perman G. (eds). 2016 Proceedings of PICMET '16: Technology Management for Social Innovation. 2931-2940

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Günther M. (2015) Intelligente Produkte, Zukunftsszenarien und Agenten: Eine Marktsimulation zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der strategischen Technologieplanung. In: Gausemeier J. (ed.). Vorausschau und Technologieplanung, Tagungsband vom 11. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT). HNI Verlagsschriftenreihe (Bd. 347), 449-470

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) Academic patenting meets agent-based simulation: Provisional results and research perspectives. In: Suominen A., Toivanen H., Nieminen M. (eds.) Innovation Policies for Economic and Social Transitions: Developing Strategies for Knowledge, Practices and Organizations; Proceedings of the Conference of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI 2015). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 248-252

Stummer C., Günther M. (2014) Partizipative Lehr-/Lernformate für die universitäre Aus- und Weiterbildung am Beispiel des Innovations- und Technologiemanagements. In: Arnold H., Keuper F., (eds.) Campus Transformation – Education, Qualification & Digitalization, Logos, 129-147

Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M., Wildpaner M. (2014) An agent-based simulation approach for the new product diffusion of a novel biomass fuel. In: Taylor S.J.E. (Hrsg.) Agent-based Modeling and Simulation. Palgrave, 61-77
[Reprint of paper by Günther et al., 2011, in the Journal of the Operational Research Society]

Stummer C., Günther M. (2013) Die Balanced Scorecard (BSC) im Innovationsmanagement. In: Keuper F., Hamidian K., Verwaayen E., Kalinowski T., Kraijo C. (eds). Digitalisierung und Innovation: Planung, Entstehung, Entwicklungsperspektiven. Springer, 471-484
[Reprint of paper by Stummer and Günther, 2011, in Business + Innovation]

Kopetzky R., Stummer C., Kryvinska N., Günther M., Strauss C. (2011) Disruptive ICT service technologies: Recent developments and practical implications for strategic management. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Frontiers in Service Transformations and Innovations (FSTI-2011) in conjunction with the International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2011). IEEE CPS, 125-130

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2010) Game-based learning in technology management education. Proceedings of the International Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON 2010). IEEE Press, 191-196
Winner of the "Most Innovative Paper regarding Engineering Education" award at the IEEE EDUCON 2010 conference.

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) A spatial simulation model for the diffusion of a novel biofuel on the Austrian market. In: Bargiela A., Ali S.A., Crowley D., Kerckhoffs E.J.H.(eds). Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2010). Kuala Lumpur, 41-49
Nominated for the "Best Paper Award" at the ECMS 2010 conference.

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) An agent-based simulation model for the market diffusion of a second generation biofuel. In: Rossetti M.D., Hill R.R., Johansson B., Dunkin A., Ingalls R.G. (eds). Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2009). Omnipress, 1474-1481
Winner of the inaugural "Best Applied Paper" award at the Winter Simulation Conference.

Günther, M. (2005) Von der Idee zur Marktchance: Das Management erfolgreicher Innovationen. In: Unternehmerführerschein Modul C, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Vienna.

Günther, M., Bammer, M. (2005) Business Kommunikation: Verständigung und Auftreten im Geschäftsleben. In: Unternehmerführerschein Modul C, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Vienna.

Günther, M. (2005) Kooperatives und kollaboratives E-Learning in präsenzorientierten Lehrveranstaltungen: Erfahrung zum Einsatz der Groupware BSCW anhand zweier Beispiele. In: Jandl, M., Pauschenwein, J. (ed.). E-Learning an der FH JOANNEUM: Beiträge zum 3. E-Learning Tag des Zentrums für Multimediales Lernen, Nausner & Nausner, Graz.

Pla-Santamaria D., Stummer C., Günther M., Ballestero E. (2004) Compromise-utility approach to portfolio selection: A case from an opportunity set on three European Exchanges. In: Antunes C.H., Dias, L. (eds). Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models: Proceedings of the 15th Mini-EURO Conference MUDSM 2004. Coimbra, 1-7

Glaser M., Bilstein N., Römer M., Günther M., Witteborg H., Schmidt B. (2022) Match me if you can: Effects of algorithm-based matching of employees' working-hour preferences on employee satisfaction and loyalty. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, August 25-26

Witteborg A. H., Römer M., Günther, M., Borgstedt R., Jansen G. (2022) Monte-Carlo Simulation Based on Patient-Individual Distributions for Supporting Intensive Care Occupancy Management. 55th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, USA, Virtual Event, Jan. 3-7

Günther M., Stummer C. (2021) Modeling consumers’ heterogeneity and individuality can make a difference: Insights from a simulation experiment. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2021), Bern, Switzerland, Virtual Event, Sept. 1-3

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R. (2020) Die agentenbasierte Simulation der Adoption und Marktdiffusion von Innovationen am Beispiel eines neuen Biotreibstoffs. Invited Talk, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany, Sept. 29

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R. (2020) Agent-based modelling of innovation diffusion: The case of a novel biofuel in Austria. Invited Talk, Durham University, England, Feb. 20

Stummer C., Günther M. (2019) Why it is not a good idea to resort to a representative consumer when studying new product diffusion. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Oberammergau, Germany, Sept. 19-20

Günther M., Stummer C. (2019) Modeling consumer heterogeneity matters: Computational experiments with an agent-based market simulation. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2019), Dresden, Germany, Sept. 3-6

Klein M., Günther M., Lüpke L. (2018) Die Rolle von "Homecharging" in der Diffusion von Elektroautos: Eine agentenbasierte Simulation mit Choice-Based-Conjointdaten aus Deutschland. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 11-12

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Patente oder Publikationen: Eine simulationsbasierte Analyse der Wirksamkeit von Bewusstseinsbildung und Anreizen durch Wissenschaftsmanagement. ZiF-Konferenz "Anreiz, Kosten und Erkenntnisqualität: Wissenschaftsökonomie im Spannungsfeld von Ressourcenknappheit und epistemischer Ambition", Bielefeld, Germany, Nov. 16-18

Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Prediction is difficult, especially about the future: A multi-method decision support approach for planning innovations for future markets. Meeting of the GOR-Working Group Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 13

Günther M., Klein M., Lüpke L. (2017) An agent-based simulation using conjoint data: the case of electric vehicles in Germany. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2017), Berlin, Germany, Sept. 6-8

Günther M., Lüpke L., Stummer C. (2017) Cross-over between scenario analysis and agent-based market simulation for technology planning. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, USA, July 7-13

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2017) Fostering academic patenting: An agent-based simulation for pre-estimating the effectiveness of TTO measures. Economic, Technological and Societal Impacts of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Augsburg, Germany, March 15-17

Günther M. (2016), Diffusion of multiple technology generations: an agent-based simulation approach. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET '16), Honululu, USA, Sept. 4-8

Günther M., Stummer C. (2016) Simulating the diffusion of competing technology generations: An agent-based model and its application to the consumer computer market in Germany. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2016), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2016) How to stimulate academic patenting at universities: A social simulation approach. INCHER-Conference on Academic Entrepreneurship and Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Kassel, Germany, April 11-12

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Günther M. (2015) Intelligente Produkte, Zukunftsszenarien und Agenten: Eine Marktsimulation zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der strategischen Technologieplanung. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 29-30

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S., Günther M. (2015) Enriching scenario analysis with agent-based simulations for planning the prospective market introduction of a smart product. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2015), Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1-4

Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) Multi-generation technology diffusion: Lessons learned from an agent-based simulation using realworld data, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVII), Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 12-15

Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) An agent-based simulation of the diffusion of multiple computer generations in Germany. Joint International Meeting of the Canadian Operational Research Society and the Institut for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (CORS/INFORMS 2015), Montreal, Canada, June 14-17

Stummer C., Lüpke L., Backs S., Günther M. (2015) Simulating the market introduction of a smart product: An agent-based approach. Joint International Meeting of the Canadian Operational Research Society and the Institut for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (CORS/INFORMS 2015), Montreal, Canada, June 14-17

Backs S., Günther M., Stummer C. (2015) Academic patenting meets agent-based simulation: Provisional results and research perspectives. Conference of the European Forum for Studies of Policies and Innovation (EU-SPRI 2015), Helsinki, Finland, June 10-12

Zsifkovits M., Günther M. (2015) Managing the chicken-and-egg problem for alternatively powered vehicles and the corresponding infrastructure, 12th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, Las Vegas, USA, April 13-15

Günther M., Stummer C. (2014) An Agent-Based Simulation of new Product Adoption for Multiple Technology Generations, IFORS Conference (20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18

Zsifkovits M., Günther M. (2014) Modeling Innovation Resistance in Technology Diffusion: An Agent-Based Approach, IFORS Conference (20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18

Stummer C., Backs S., Günther M. (2014) Akademische Patente aus ökonomischer Sicht: Stand der Forschung und weiterführende Vorhaben. I2SOS Kolloquium, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, Jan. 28

Stummer C., Günther M., Kiesling E., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2013) An agent-based simulation of innovation adoption and market diffusion of a de-commoditized convenience product, Invited talk, Faculty of Economics and Management, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, Nov. 13

Zsifkovits, M., Günther, M., (2013) Diffusion of Fuel Cell Vehicles considering Consumer Uncertainty under Technological Progress: An Agent-Based Approach. EURO Mini‐Conference, Graz, Austria, October 17-19

Günther M., Stummer C. (2013) The influence of norms on the multigeneration diffusion of technological innovations, EURO-INFORMS European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Rome, Italy, July 1-4

Zsifkovits, M., Günther, M., Heidenberger, K. (2013) On the impact of technological progress in innovation diffusion: An agent-based approach. EURO-INFORMS European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Rome, Italy, July 1-4

Stummer C., Günther M., Kiesling E., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) An agent-based simulation of new product adoption and subsequent purchases, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, Oct. 14-17

Günther M., Stummer C. (2012) A business simulation game in innovation management education: Lessons learnt, International Annual Conference of the German OR Society 2012 (OR 2012), Hannover, Germany, September 4-7

Günther M., Sonnberger J. (2012) The impact of customer dissatisfaction and negative word-of-mouth on the diffusion of innovations and the repurchasing behaviour: an agent based simulation, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) De-commoditization of a convenience product: An agent-based simulation of its market diffusion, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11

Günther M., Zsifkovits M., Heidenberger K. (2012) Hydrogen Vehicle Diffusion Under the Conditions of Technological Progress: An Agent-based Model, INFORMS International Meeting, Beijing, China, June 24-27

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2012) Eine agentenbasierte Simulation der Marktausbreitung eines neuen Bio-Synthesekraftstoffes, Meeting of the GOR-Working Group "Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems", Munich, Germany, Feb. 23-24

Stummer C., Kiesling E., Günther M., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2011) An agent-based simulation of diffusion processes of frequently purchased consumer products, International Conference on Operations Research, Zurich, Switzerland, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2

Günther M. (2011) Idea to market: A (brief) introduction to Innovation Management. University of Buraimi, Oman, July 26 (invited)

Günther M., Schmid V. (2011), Metaheuristic Approach for Task Assignment with Dynamic Durations. IFORS Conference (19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies), Melbourne, Australia, July 10-15

Günther M., Stummer C. (2010) Intra-firm knowledge diffusion and the emergence of innovations: An agent-based simulation approach, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) Spatial social networks in an agent-based model of new product diffusion, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14

Günther M., Schmid V. (2010) R&D task assignment in a multinational environment considering dynamic durations and skill levels, ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 6-9

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) A spatial simulation model for the diffusion of a novel biofuel on the Austrian market. 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2010). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 1-4

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2010) Game-based learning in technology management education, International Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON 2010), Madrid, Spain, April 14-16

Günther M. (2010) Intra-firm knowledge diffusion and innovations: An agent-based simulation, International Workshop on Agent-based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, Vienna, Austria, April 8-9

Kiesling E., Brandl B., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2010) Planning the market introduction of a novel biomass fuel on the Austrian market: Lessons from an agent-based simulation, International Workshop on Agent-based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, Vienna, Austria, April 8-9

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) An agent-based simulation model for the market diffusion of a second generation biofuel, Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2009), Austin, USA, Dec. 13-16

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) Modeling the diffusion process of a second generation biofuel: An agent-based simulation approach, Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) Winter Meeting 2009, Windsor, Canada, Dec. 5-7

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) Targeting, timing, and pricing: Simulating the effects of marketing activities on the adoption of a novel biomass fuel, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIII), Bonn, Germany, July 5-8

Günther M., Heidenberger K., Stummer C. (2009) An innovation-oriented view on intra-firm knowledge diffusion, CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Stummer C., Fürnsinn S., Günther M., Kiesling E., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) An agent-based simulation of the impact of marketing activities on the adoption of a biomass fuel, CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C., Vetschera R., Wakolbinger L.M. (2009) Modeling social interaction in an agent-based simulation of new product diffusion, CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17

Günther M. (2008) Unternehmensplanspiele: online, offline oder blended? Exemplarischer Diskurs anhand des Unternehmensplanspiels Merlin III, eLearning Tag 2008, Graz, Austria, Sept. 23

Wakolbinger L.M., Stummer C., Günther M. (2008) An agent-based computer simulation of new product diffusion, IFORS Conference, Sandton, South Africa, July 13-18

Kiesling E., Günther M., Stummer C. (2008) A business gaming simulation in innovation and technology management, IFORS Conference, Sandton, South Africa, July 13-18

Günther M., Stummer C. (2007) Knowledge diffusion dynamics in an intra-firm social network and implications for R&D management, INFORMS International Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 8-11

Günther M. (2006) eLearning @ the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, EQIBELT Workshop, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 14 (invited)

Günther M., Kiesling E., Stummer C. (2006) Konzeption, Entwicklung und Einsatz eines Unternehmensplanspieles im Innovations- und Technologiemanagement, Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL), Villach, Austria, Sept. 27-29

Günther M., Stummer C., Heidenberger K. (2006) An agent-based simulation of intra-firm knowledge diffusion and its impact on innovativeness, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2-5

Stummer C., Günther M., Gutjahr W.J. (2006) Multiobjective metaheuristic solution procedures for R&D project selection under uncertainty, European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2-5

Günther M. (2006) Die Zukunft vorhersagen? Technologieentwicklung & Innovationen, Spartensitzung Bauelemente, Fachverband der Elektro & Elektronikindustrie, Vienna, Austria, May 3 (invited)

Günther M. (2005) Good Practice - Good Practice? E-learning Erfahrungen, e-learning Jour Fix, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 29 (invited)

Pla-Santamaria D., Stummer C., Günther M., Ballestero E. (2004) Compromise-utility approach to portfolio selection: A case from an opportunity set on three European Exchanges, Mini-EURO Conference on Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models (MUDSM) 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, Sept. 22-24

Günther M. (2004) Erfahrungen zum Einsatz von CSCL in präsenzorientierten Lehrveranstaltungen mittels der Groupware BSCW anhand zweier Beispiele, e-Learning 2004, Graz, Austria, Sept. 22

Günther M. (2004) Innovation Management and Intangible Assets, WINGnet-Seminar, Vienna, March 18-20

Günther M. (2003) Kooperatives eLearning mit der Groupware BSCW, Workshop am 1. Tag der Neuen Medien an der Universität Wien, Wien, June 16.

Stummer C., Günther M., Backs S. (2013) A survey on academic patents at Austrian universities: Methodology and initial results, WP 2013-01, Chair of Innovation and Technology Management, Bielefeld University

Booklet of Extended Abstracts from the International Workshop on Agent-based Simulation of Diffusion Processes, University of Vienna

Stummer C., Günther M., Köck A.M. (2006) ABWL: Innovations- und Technologiemanagement. 6th ed., WUV, Vienna

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