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Dr. Melina Schleef

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Universitätsstr. 25
D-33615 Bielefeld, Deutschland

Telefon: +49 521.106-4893
E-Mail: melina.schleef@uni-bielefeld.de

Büro: UHG V9-153, Lage-/Raumplan


Dawid H., Kohlweyer D., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2024) The role of uncertainty for product announcement strategies: The case of autonomous vehicles. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.

Schleef M., Gless S., Stummer C. (2024) Smart wearables as silent witnesses: Privacy concerns versus possible legal advantages. Die Unternehmung (Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice), 78 (2), 105-126

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P.T., Stummer C. (2023) When smart products become dumb (again): Voluntary and legally required service updates and their impact on consumers' purchase intention. Journal of Service Management Research, 7 (1), 52-65

Kaiser I., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2022) Wenn die digitale Transformation Entrepreneure schafft: Die Unternehmensausgründung von appWash aus Miele. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 74 (2), 135-155

Backs S., Schleef, M. (2021) Geschäftsbausteine innovieren - aber wie? Entwicklung eines praxisorientierten Kategoriensystems zur Identifikation von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 73 (4), 434-457

Backs S., Schleef, M., Buermann H.W. (2019) Stand up - It's all about the team? The composition of entrepreneurial teams in entrepreneurship education at a German university. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22 (4), 1-20

Schleef M., Rademacher T., Stummer C. (2022) The spy who saves me: Can emergency detection capabilities in a smart home environment outweigh data usage concerns? In: Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). AIS Electronic Library, 114

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Stummer C. (2021) Much alike, yet different: Digital innovation labs in family/non-family business. In: Bitran I., Conn S., Gernreich C., Huizingh E., Torkkeli M., Yang J. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, 1-13

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2020) "Shh! … I got help to become smart": Should incumbent firms disclose their cooperation with a startup? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). AIS Electronic Library, 13

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2020) Cooperation between performance and innovation engine: An exploratory study of digital innovation labs in family business. In: Luo Y. (Hrsg.) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: Proceedings of CDVE 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12341. Springer, 249-259

Backs S., Schleef M., Buermann H.W. (2019) Adieu Elfenbeinturm: Die Lehre im Gründungsmanagement als ein best-practice Transfer-Lehre-Projekt. In: Tagungsband zum Thema Transfer in der Lehre - Zumutung oder Chance? Konstanz, 6-7

Kohlweyer D., Dawid H., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2023) Firm strategies for announcing the next generation of autonomous vehicles: An agent-based market simulation. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2023), Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2023) Becoming smart: The effect of disclosing the cooperation with a start-up for the development of smart products on consumers' behavioral intentions. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, Aug. 24-25

Stummer C., Bilstein N., Gless S., Rademacher T., Schleef M., Schrader P.T. (2023) Legal perspectives inspiring management research on the acceptance of smart consumer products. Closing Conference of the ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, July 17-19

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P.T., Stummer C. (2022) Up to date: The legal right to obtain updates for smart products, voluntary extensions, and how this can affect consumers' purchase intention. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany, Aug. 25-26
Winner of the "Best Poster Award" at the CHIMSPAS 2022 conference

Schleef M., Rademacher T., Stummer C. (2022) The spy who saves me: Can emergency detection capabilities in a smart home environment outweigh data usage concerns? Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Virtual Event, July 5-9

Schleef M., Gless S., Stummer C. (2022) Smart products as silent witnesses: Privacy concerns versus legal advantage. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-8

Schleef M., Gless S., Rademacher T., Stummer C. (2022) Services of smart products outweighing data usage concerns? Workshop of the ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, March 14-16

Bilstein N., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2021) To tell or not to tell? The effect of informing consumers about the cooperation with a startup in developing smart products. Invited Talk, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Dec. 2

Gless S., Schleef M., Stummer C. (2021) Chained up: Does the fear of legal disadvantages play a role in the adoption of smart products? ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 22

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P., Stummer C. (2021) To remain smart or to become dumb (again): How the legal obligation to provide updates for smart products impacts consumers' behavioral intentions. Opening Conference of the ZiF Research Group on Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products, Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 4-6

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2021) To tell or not to tell about the origin of a smart product: Should firms disclose their cooperation with a startup? International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Virtual Event, Aug. 26-27

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Schrader P., Stummer C. (2021) Smart, smarter, dumb: Legal obligation versus voluntary commitment to provide service updates and their impact on consumers' behavioral intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference, Virtual Event, July 9-10

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Stummer C. (2021) Much alike, yet different: Digital innovation labs in family/non-family business. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Virtual Event, June 20-23

Schleef M., Bilstein N., Stummer C. (2020) "Shh! … I got help to become smart": Should incumbent firms disclose their cooperation with a startup? International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Virtual Event, Dec. 13-16

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Strauss C., Stummer C. (2020) Cooperation between performance and innovation engine: An exploratory study of digital innovation labs in family business. International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE), Virtual Event, Oct. 25-28

Schleef M., Steinlechner J., Stummer C. (2020) Digital innovation labs in family business: An exploratory study. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Virtual Event, June 7-10

Schleef M., Backs S. (2019) Lead or minor role? The influence of universities on regional entrepreneurial ecosystems. Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Utrecht, Netherlands, Oct. 16-18

Backs S., Schleef M., Buermann H.W. (2019) Adieu Elfenbeinturm: Die Lehre im Gründungsmanagement als ein bestpractice Transfer-Lehre-Projekt. Symposium: Transfer in der Lehre - Zumutung oder Chance? Konstanz, Germany, Mar. 13-15

Schleef M. (2018) Das DHV-Gütesiegel für faire und transparente Berufungsverhandlungen: eine kritische Analyse aus personalwissenschaftlicher Sicht. GfHf Jahrestagung (HOFONA-Ideenforum) Speyer, Germany, Apr. 12-13

Backs S., Schleef M., Buermann H.W. (2019) From industrialization to digitization: Literature review, WP 2019-01, Juniorprofessur für Gründungsmanagement / Gender im Gründungsprozess, Bielefeld University

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