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  • Statistics and Data Analysis Group

    © Universität Bielefeld

Carlina Feldmann (M.Sc.)

Research associate (PhD student)

Room: V9-128
Phone: +49 521 106-4885
E-mail: carlina.feldmann@uni-bielefeld.de

Short CV

  • Since 05/2022: PhD student in the Statistics and Data Analysis Group
  • 10/2019 – 11/2019: Research stay at the University of St Andrews
  • 10/2018 – 04/2022: Studies of Statistical Science (M.Sc.) at Bielefeld University
  • 10/2013 – 09/2018: Studies of Sociology (B.A.) at Bielefeld University

Current research


  • "Inference on the state distribution in periodic hidden Markov models", CLADAG 2023, Salerno, September 2023
  • "Modelling time-of-day variation in hidden Markov models using cyclic P-splines", 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Dortmund, July 2023
  • "Nonparametric inference in periodically inhomogeneous hidden Markov models", ZeSt seminar series, Bielefeld University, May 2023
  • "Modelling state switching dynamics using P-splines", 11th Young Researchers Workshop of the Centre for Statistics, Bielefeld, November 2022
  • "An expectation-maximization algorithm for hidden Markov models with random effects in the state process", ZeSt seminar series, Bielefeld University, May 2022


  • Practicals for the lecture ''Multivariate Methods'', winter term 2023/24
  • Practicals for the lecture ''Hidden Markov models'', summer term 2023
  • "Statistical Consulting", winter term 2022/23
  • Practicals for the lecture ''Generalized linear models'', winter term 2022/23
  • Seminar on "Daten in den Medien - Information versus Manipulation", winter term 2020/21, summer term 2021 & 2022 & 2023
  • R Course: Visualisations with ggplot2, summer term 2022; Data manipulation with dplyr, winter term 2022/2023
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