Ole, Rouven and Marius uploaded a new preprint on the arXiv in which they propose a metric for quantifying the value of a tackle in American Football.
A paper by Odile and Julia, in which a range of signal detection methods based on non-constant hazards is investigated to provide a recommendation for the choice of test setup, significance level and sample size for the application to all adverse events not depending on rates, was accepted for publication in Drug Safety.
Sina, Ole and Roland have a new preprint on the arXiv, in which they rather ambitiously set out to unify several different latent Markov models, much like the same was done for regression models in the GLM framework.
Ole uploaded a new preprint to the arXiv, in which he develops hidden semi-Markov models within which the parameters of the dwell-time distributions can depend on time-varying covariates.
Marius, Ole and Rouven received an honorable mention for their submission to this year's NFL Big Data Bowl.
Ole and others have a new preprint on the arXiv, in which several properties of HMMs with periodic variation in the state-switching dynamics are established.
A paper by Rouven and Ole, which highlights a pitfall in the application of Markov-switching models to time series data that were smoothed in the pre-processing step, was accepted for publication in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series C.
A paper by Marius, Rouven & Roland, which investigates how live-betting activity varies throughout the course of football matches, was accepted for publication in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry.
A paper on state-switching decision trees, co-authored by Rouven and Marius, was accepted for publication in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis.
Our paper analysing the interaction of grey seals with commercial fishing activity was accepted for publication at Scientific Reports. The statistical analysis was done by MSc students within our statistical consulting course.