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  • Group Seminar / Journal Club

    © Universität Bielefeld

Group Seminar

Every Tuesday, 8:30-10:00, during lecture period

Room: V2-145

09-Apr-2024  MSc talk, Muhammed Karduman: Differences in plant surface compounds of Tanacetum vulgare among distinct terpenoid-chemotypes

16-Apr-2024  BSc talk, Etje Borsutzky: Effects of short and long term gregarine infection on Phaedon cochleariae

13-Apr-2024  Dr. Svitlana Sytnyk: Effect of abiotic drivers and biotic agents on photosynthesis efficiency, biochemical parameters, and antioxidant defense system of Robinia pseudoacacia L.

30-Apr-2024  Dr. Rabea Schweiger: Wheat under drought followed by flooding

07-May-2024  Sandra Lang: Insights and learnings from the past ALAN experiment and introduction to the next steps

14-May-2024  Alessa Barber: How gregarine infection influences Phaedon cochleariae

21-May-2024  Leon Brüggemann: Volatile involvement in the interaction to A.rosae and A.reptans

28-May-2024  Dr. T. Dussarrat: Evolution of chemodiversity to variation in pollinators availability

04-Jun-2024   Dr. Rocky Putra: How insect herbivory and silicon supplementation affect multiple traits in Arabidopsis halleri

11-Jun-2024   Imke Schröder

18-Jun-2024  Selina Gaar

25-Jun-2024   Xue Xiao

23-Jul-2024   BSc and MSc talks

Journal Club

Every Thursday, 16:00-18:00, during semester break

Room: V2-145


We will discuss recent publications in the field of Chemical Ecology or in fields very close to this topic. The head of discussion chooses an appropriate publication and sends it to all participants one week before the assigned journal club date.

14-Mar-2024   Dr. Thomas Dussarrat

21-Mar-2024   Alessa Barber

28-Mar-2024   Dr. Jeanne Friedrichs

Colloquium Ecology

Currently no presentation / talk

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