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Osteuropäische Geschichte

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
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Studentischer Workshop "Russische Kolonie in China und kosmopolitische Metropole: Die mandschurische Stadt Harbin (1898-1932)"

Erste Reihe, von links nach rechts: Nikita Malinovskii, Prof. Dr. Frank Grüner (Seminarleiter, Universität Bielefeld), Enno Holloch, Wanbing Chen. Zweite Reihe, von links nach rechts: Richard Gion, Leonard Becker, Prof. Dr. Andreas Renner (Seminarleiter, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Elias Busse, Michael Stricker.

Der studentische Workshop mit dem Thema "Russische Kolonie in China und kosmopolitische Metropole: Die mandschurische Stadt Harbin (1898-1932)", welcher am 17. Januar 2025 in München stattfand, war für mich eine bereichernde Erfahrung.

In Kooperation zwischen der LMU München und der Universität Bielefeld, durften wir in den gemütlichen Räumen der ehemaligen Faber-Castel-Villa in München Vorträge zu verschiedenen faszinierenden Bereichen der Geschichte Harbins hören und selbst beitragen.

Bei dem anschließenden Abendessen, welches angelehnt an das Thema in einem asiatischen Restaurant stattfand, wurden die Diskussion fortgesetzt und die neu geknüpften Beziehungen zu den Kommilitonen in München vertieft.

Ich hoffe, dass durch solche und ähnliche Workshops die akademische Zusammenarbeit weiter gefördert wird und wäre auch gerne wieder dabei.

-Michael Stricker, M.A. Student

Programm (Link)

International PhD Workshop in Historical Studies, International Relations and Political Sciences

From July 15 to 17, 2024, the Department of History hosted an international PhD workshop with 23 doctoral students from the universities of Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, Tel Aviv and Bielefeld. The Workshop brought together young academics in the humanities, international and political sciences to discuss their doctoral projects and academic work in times of war and crisis. In addition, it gave more than 20 university teachers the opportunity to connect and outline new perspectives for teaching and research together. 

Bielefeld/Zaporizhzhia Summer School in History 2023

Die Studiengruppe von der Zaporizhzhia National University auf Exkursion in Köln

Seit dem 19. Juni findet an der Abteilung Geschichtswissenschaft eine Sommerschule für Studierende und Promovierende der Zaporizhzhia National University (Ukraine) statt. Im Rahmen der bereits im vergangenen Jahr intensivierten Zusammenarbeit der Uni Bielefeld mit der in frontnähe gelegenen ukrainischen Universität, ist die Summer School ein weiterer Schritt, der Studierenden, Lehrenden und Forschenden aus Saporischschja eine Art  „akademischen Normalität“ ermöglichen soll (Hinweis: zum Artikel).

Die Sommerschule beinhaltet neben einem intensiven Deutschsprachkurs ein vielfältiges, englischsprachiges Studienprogramm, das Bielefelder Theorieansätze, aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte und interdisziplinäre Lehr- und Forschungsansätze vermittelt. Ergänzt wird das Kursprogramm durch eine Reihe von Exkursionen in die nähere und weitere Umgebung von Bielefeld.

Mit dem insgesamt achtwöchigen Aufenthalt in Bielefeld sollen die ukrainischen Studierenden, die an ihrer Heimatuniversität in Saporischschja zurzeit nur online studieren können, nicht nur die Möglichkeit bekommen, in die Bielefelder Geschichtswissenschaft hineinzuschnuppern, sondern auch in Sicherheit Campusalltag zu erleben, außerhalb der Seminarräume Kontakte zu knüpfen und sich etwas vom Leben im Frontgebiet zu erholen.

Die Studiengruppe wird von den Professorinnen Oksana Kazakova, Olga Makliuk, Iryna Savchenko, Oksana Sokolova und Olena Tupakhina von den Fakultäten für Geschichte und Anglistik begleitet. Ihr Besuch in Bielefeld ermöglicht es, die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit in Forschung Lehre zwischen den beiden Universitäten auszuloten.

Zum Programm (pdf)

80 Jahre

Deutscher Überfall auf die Sowjetunion: Auswirkungen von Krieg und Besatzung in Belarus 18. Juni 2021 17:30-19:00 Uhr

Zur Erinnerung an den deutschen Überfall auf die Sowjetunion organisiert das Internationale Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk in Dortmund (IBB Dortmund), das IBB Minsk und die Geschichtswerkstatt „Leonid Lewin“ Minsk in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas und dem Deutsch-Russischen Museum in Karlshorst eine Veranstaltung, die auch auf YouTube übertragen wird. Weitere Informationen und das Programm entnehmen Sie dem folgenden PDF-Dokument:



Perestroika and the “Wild” 1990s: State, Society, and the Individual in Eastern Europe, 1985–2000

Perestroika and the associated policy of glasnost’ set in motion some of the most significant political reforms of the twentieth century, reforms that ushered in an era of profound historical change. In Eastern Europe, this period of transition and transformation launched a fundamental remodeling of relationships between the state, society, and the individual. Mikhail Gorbachev's policies were intended to tackle the challenges of the stagnating Soviet economy and society, but across the globe their mostly unintended consequences had a dramatic impact: the fall of the Soviet Union brought about the end of the Cold War world order and caused, in Vladimir Putin's words, the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century.”

For East European societies, perestroika became the starting point for far-reaching processes of liberalization and democratization which continued until the turn of the millennium. The reforms and the new transparency had deeply disturbing effects on these societies because they shed light on the numerous deficiencies, abuses of authority, and corruption which had marked the years of Soviet power. The period during which the reforms unleashed a massive destabilization of the socialist order was characterized by intense political, socio-economic, and cultural upheaval and displacements for many people. Because of widespread criminality and a virtually ubiquitous sense of chaos—but also as a result of a feeling of freedom and opportunities for innovation in every area of life—an entire decade was dubbed the “wild 1990s.” Looking back, many people condemned this turbulent time as a period when they experienced deep uncertainty and a loss of identity, as recent oral history studies have shown. The Levada Center's surveys record a steadily rising number of people who regret the destruction of the Soviet Union and complain about the consequences of perestroika. The reforms have become the primary way to explain the turbulent 1990s, with its economic crises, predatory capitalism, and socio-political cleavages. For many “ordinary” people, nostalgia about the lost certainties of late socialist life has become a widely shared emotional state and thus a driving political force in many parts of the former Eastern bloc, which in turn has helped to strengthen authoritarian and nationalistic forces. The ways in which norms, values, attitudes, and practices changed varied in terms of specific political cultures and the interests of particular groups of agents. Likewise, the extent to which political and economic elites—and different age groups, genders, communities, and individuals—experienced the caesura also ranged widely. The conference aims to examine the dynamics and impact of the reforms by looking at people's social, economic, and cultural practices during perestroika and in the following decade of transformation. Our intention is to explore the (dis)continuities, differences, and (dis)entanglements of this time in Eastern Europe in a comparative perspective and by taking methodologically innovative approaches.

The existing historiographies look at the countries of the former Eastern bloc from a national perspective. The research on these states is as diverse as the trajectories the different societies took after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Moreover, it is no surprise that the story of perestroika and the 1990s has not been limited to the Eastern side of the Iron Curtain but also affected “the” West as such. Therefore, the conference will treat the collapsing Soviet Union as a significant core of the transnational and entangled history of the late twentieth century. In view of the current resurgence of nationalism and populism, the conference will challenge teleological narratives about how the post-perestroika transformation simply mirrors the Western success story of capitalism and ongoing progress symbolizes the ultimate triumph of parliamentary democracy and the market economy. It will explore the ways in which the Socialist individual coped with perestroika and adjusted to the manifold transformations of everyday life. In what respect did the archetype of the allegedly passive, opportunistic, and submissive homo sovieticus change during the transition and move closer to the Western-style seemingly active, liberal, and self-reliant subject? What can we learn about agency in liberalizing authoritarian regimes and during their transitions to post-socialism?

We are looking for original, unpublished papers which explore a wide range of topics and aim to highlight different aspects of this "wild" period's transformations and the (dis)continuities between Soviet/state-socialist and post-socialist countries. Papers could take explicitly comparative perspectives or could examine processes of transfer and interdependencies in order to deconstruct East-West binaries and to reveal the dynamics playing out within the former Eastern bloc. Papers could be dedicated to one of the following areas of exploration:

  • The Transformation of the Political: The Waning of Authoritative Discourse, Democratization, and Civil Society
  • The Transformation of the Public: Iconoclasm, the Mass Media, and Political Communication
  • The Transformation of the Private: Emotions, Memory, and Generational Conflicts
  • The Transformation of the Economy: Reforms, Crises, Practices, and Changing Values
  • The Transformation of Everyday Life: Work, Leisure, and Entertainment
  • The Transformation of Aesthetics: Perestroika, the Arts, and Popular Culture
  • The Transformation of the Individual: Agency and Subjectivities in Times of Uncertainty
  • The Transformation of the Former Cold War Superpower and its Clients

The conference languages will be English and Russian.

Travel and accommodation costs will be covered.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 April 2020. Please e-mail your proposal (max. 300 words) and a short CV in a single PDF document, with “Perestroika-Conference” as the subject, to both and

The papers will be pre-circulated among the participants. We ask you to submit your paper by 23 August.

We intend to publish the papers as an edited volume in the De Gruyter series “Rethinking the Cold War.”

In this time of uncertainties, we hope that the conference will take place as originally planned. If it is necessary to reschedule, the conference will be held 18-19 March 2021.

The workshop is supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Russia and the German Historical Institute in Moscow.

Alexey Tikhomirov

Postfach 10 01 31, D-33501 Bielefeld

Workshop: Remembering 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe

Freitag, 13. December 2019 | X-E0-002

Im Rahmen des Projektes "Breaching the Walls. We do need Education!" findet am 13. Dezember 2019 an der Universität Bielefeld ein eintägiger Workshop zur Erinnerung an 1989 in Mittel- und Osteuropa statt.

Weitere Informationen und das Programm finden Sie hier.


Breaching the Walls. We do need Education! is one of the projects that won the call for proposals of the “European Remembrance 2019” initiative in the framework of the “Europe for Citizens 2014–2020 Programme”.
It is promoted by the Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna in Bologna as a leading institution together with five partners: Bielefeld University, the Institute of Contemporary History in Prague, the Municipality of Tirana, the Association Past/Not Past in Paris and the History Meeting House in Warsaw. It officially started in September 2019 and will conclude in February 2021.
The project does not have an eminently academic slant. Rather, on the basis of the guidelines that inspire a programme such as that of Europe for Citizens, it aims at developing a reflection on the history and memory of the Fall of the Berlin Wall as well on the events that characterized 1989 with a peculiar focus on the active involvement and participation of European citizens themselves.
The idea is to reflect critically on the historical significance and political impact of the Fall of the Wall. This event, and the processes it unfolded, have generated in Western Europe and in the countries of the former Soviet bloc a pivotal echo. We intend to reflect on the legacy of that experience in light of the subsequent developments in European politics and the integration process.
The project investigates the gap between promises, hopes and expectations in 1989 and today’s reality in Central and Eastern Europe. Our current socio-political reality testifies to the spread of extremely critical feelings towards the realization of the European project and its institutions, representatives, and very reasons for being.
The aim is therefore to collect private and “public” memories of the events of 1989 and to share these testimonies with a selected “audience”, in particular high school students, who were not yet born in 1989.

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