Research and Teaching Unit 4: Politics and Society
Professor of European Studies
Internationale Beziehungen (IB), European Studies, Theorien und Methoden der IB und Internationale Politische Theorie (IPT), International Security Studies, Grenzforschung, Weltgesellschaftsforschung, Interkulturalität, Europa in der internationalen Politik, insbes. Beziehungen zwischen Europa und (Süd-)Ost-Asien sowie Zentralasien und Europa-Russland/GUS-Beziehungen.
German Director and Project Coordinator of the Centre for German and European Studies (CGES/ZDES) at Bielefeld University and St. Petersburg State University/Russia (2009-2024, DAAD [German Academic Exchange Service], cooperation suspended from 02/2022).
Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme Institutional Change and Social Practice: Research on the Political System, the Economy and Society in Central Asia and the Caucasus (since 2019, Volkswagen Foundation).
Research Training Group World Politics: The Emergence of Political Arenas and Modes of Observation in World Society (since 2017, DFG).
Between Stability and Transformation: Regional and Transnational Cooperation in Central Asia and between Central Asia and Europe (2016-2021, Volkswagen Foundation).
TransWorldGlobal - Boundary Processes in World Society (2016-2019, Institute for World Society Studies (IW)).
Exploring Patterns of Regional and Interregional Cooperation: Central Asia, its Neighbouring Countries, and Europe (2013-2016, Volkswagen Foundation).
Erasmus-Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme Globalisation, the EU & Multilateralism (GEM) (2012-2016, European Union).
Governance, Neighbourhood Policies and Regionalisation: Central Asia, Xinjiang/China and Europe (2010-2012, Volkswagen Foundation).
A Theory on World Entities: Dynamics, External Context, and Roles in Organizing World Politics (ATOWE) (since 2021, headed by Prof. Dr M. Koch and Prof. Dr A. Kuteynikov, DFG, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, cooperation suspended)
DataLab SARS-CoV-2 - Data, Impact and Solutions, Bielefeld Centre for Data Science (BiCDaS) at Bielefeld University (since 2021).
Research Network Shaping Asia (since 2019, cooperation project of Bielefeld University and Heidelberg University, DFG).
Institute for World Society Studies (IW) at Bielefeld University (since 2008)
Shifting Constellations: Germany and Global (Dis)Order (with U of Birmingham (consortium leader), Peking U, U of Tokyo, U of Wroclaw, CGES Bielefeld U/Saint Petersburg State U, Brandeis U, 2019-2022, DAAD [German Academic Exchange Service]).
German Political Science Association (DVPW), German Political Science Association (DGfP), European International Studies Association (EISA), European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), German Philosophy Association (DGPhil), German Studies Association (GSA).
Review of International Studies (RIS), Security Dialogue (SD), Global Society – Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations, Cooperation and Conflict (C&C), Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Journal of International Relations and Development (JIRD), Geopolitics, Political Research Exchange (PRX), Globalizations, European Sociological Review (ESR), Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (ZIB), Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (ZeFKo), Central European Public Administration Review (CEPAR), Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ZfS), Journal for Social Science Education (JSSE), Journal of Affective Disorders (JAD), Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences (EPS), 360° – Das studentische Journal für Politik und Gesellschaft, Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University: Sociology.
You can find an overview of Prof. Dr. Andreas Vasilache's courses here.
Adolfo A. Zambrano Vargas, M.A.
"Rebalancing World Politics? China, the US, and the Emergence of a Differentiated International Economic and Financial Regime in Latin America"
Bielefeld University, DFG Research Training Group position, ongoing.
Ricardo Kelm, M.A.
"Constructing Identity, Challenging Representations: Hegemonic Struggles in Discourses on 'European Security Identity'"
Bielefeld University, Research Associate position, ongoing.
Tatiana Saraseko, M.A.
"Urban Renaissance in World Society: Actorness of Global Cities in Global Governance"
Bielefeld University, DFG Research Training Group position, ongoing.
Marie Sophie Borchelt Camêlo, M.A.
"Raus aus der Subkultur - Rein in die Gesellschaft: Perspektiven zur Überwindung gesellschaftlicher Marginalität am Beispiel von Stadtteil(grassroots) arbeit in außerparlamentarischen Kontexten"
Bielefeld University, Research Associate position, ongoing.
Dr Karlson Preuß
"The Unwritten Constitution as an Intersection between Global Law and World Politics"
Bielefeld University, DFG Research Training Group position, completed in June 2023.
Dr Abrham Yohannes Gebremichael
"National Identities versus Cultural Identities: Beta Israel Community"
Bielefeld University, doctoral scholarship from the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES), completed in May 2023.
Dr Aziz Elmuradov
"Competing Narratives of Europe in Russian Foreign Policy: In Search of Identity or Policy?"
Bielefeld University, DFG Research Training Group position, completed in September 2020.
Dr Goetz Herrmann
"In Defence of Which Society? Security, Freedom and Border Management in the European Union"
Bielefeld University, doctoral scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), completed in March 2017.
Dr Shalva Dzebisashvili
"Democracy Consolidation - A New Global Role of NATO? Transformation Through Better Efficiency"
Bielefeld University/ULB Bruxelles (co-tutuelle), EU consortium project, completed in January 2016.
Dr Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere
"Different Perspectives on Global Justice: A Fusion of Horizons"
Bielefeld University/LUISS Rome (co-tutuelle), EU consortium project position, completed in April 2015.
Dr Verena Molitor
"Von fremden Muttersprachen und involvierten Außenbeobachtern: Die Konstruktion von Zugehörigkeiten in deutschsprachigen Radiosendungen in Ostbelgien und Oberschlesien"
Bielefeld University, Research Associate position, completed in July 2014.
Dr Chiara Pierobon
"Youth Political Organisations and Music in Contemporary Russia: The National Identity Issue"
Bielefeld University/Università degli Studi di Trento (co-tutuelle), doctoral scholarship from the University of Trento and the DAAD [German Academic Exchange Service], completed in July 2012.