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Distance Learning


Campus Bielefeld University
© Bielefeld University

Virtual work and learning spaces

We offer an extended digital offer at the Faculty of Sociology in order to be able to use the computer programmes and workstations of the Faculty independently of time and place. This means that group work, seminar papers or similar projects can be easily implemented as "distance learning". Only a Uni-Account and a VPN client is required.

Our virtual work and learning spaces:


In addition, the Til Team (Technology in Teaching) provides numerous offers and information on studying.

Access to Solabor

A Windows-based terminal service for up to 50 participants:

Further information on Distance Working is only accessible in the campus network/via VPN!
  1. A VPN connection is required for approval. Instructions for setting up the VPN client are available on the BITS website.
  2. The Solabor is available at . Registration is then done byentering the BITS user name and the corresponding password.

Participants in events automatically receive approval and can register by entering their BITS user name and password.

All others must register with SOZ-IT (send an email with a brief explanation to: Then the registration is done by entering the BITS user name and the password.

The Solabor can be reached at with any browser. Microsoft Edge und Google Chrome are recommended.


Recommended especially for individual papers / seminar papers and theses.

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