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Students at Campus X, Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University

General Services

© Fakultät für Soziologie

As a place to study, Bielefeld offers a social science microcosm of enormous diversity, where every student can find courses that match their own interests and inclinations. In addition, there are many facilities that will help you in your everyday studies or when working on your thesis. These include, for example, the media lending service, the methods lab or the faculty's PC pools. Here you will find the right technical tools to help you conduct interviews or collect and analyse statistical data.

If you want to learn more about the university, the faculty and everyday life at the university, you can contact yourdepartmental student representative committee and meet nice people here. People with a passion for writing or photography are also welcome to join the student magazine "sozusagen". Last but not least, the university also has a number of interesting university groups that deal with political, economic, social/charitable and cultural topics. Friends of physical activity will most likely find their happiness in one of the diverse courses of the university sports programme.


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