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Stiftungsprofessur Führung von Familienunternehmen

Prof. Dr. Christina Hoon

© Universität Bielefeld

Bachelor's theses

Registration for the Bachelor's thesis

The bachelor thesis is written as part of the bachelor colloquium. In addition to writing the bachelor thesis, the progress of the thesis is presented in the bachelor colloquium. The assignment of students to the Bachelor colloquium is done centrally via a preferential selection and not via the chair. In the course of the Bachelor colloquium, the Bachelor theses are registered together with the supervisor at the examination office (Prüfungsamt).

Examination office (Prüfungsamt)

Please also note the information from the examination office (Prüfungsamt) about the registration and submission of Bachelor's theses. You can find this on the homepage of the examination office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

Bachelor colloquium

The Bachelor's colloquium deals with current news from family business management and serves as a basis for writing the Bachelor's thesis. The knowledge acquired in the lectures is to be deepened and related to publications in specialist journals and books. In the colloquium, the ability to independently work on a scientific or practice-oriented problem from the field of family business management is to be practised. In addition, methodological competences in connection with the preparation of scientific texts are to be deepened. The topics of the Bachelor's thesis are based on the central contents of the courses UF 1 (Winter semester) and UF 2 (Summer semester).

electronic course catalogue (eKVV) document number: 310730, LP:10

Scientific work

Please note the guidelines for scientific work of the chair. You can find them here: Formal requirements/guidelines for scientific work

Topic Overview

In order to give students an idea of possible topics for a Bachelor's thesis at the chair "Leadership of Family Businesses", some titles are listed below. These are for orientation purposes only and do NOT represent a selection of topics for a Bachelor's thesis!

You can work on topics given by the chair team or propose your own questions related to the field of family business management.

  • How can the performance of family businesses be explained? A comparative analysis from the perspectives of principal-agent theory and stewardship theory.
  • Evolutionary perspectives in family businesses: A critical analysis of the status quo.
  • Change in family businesses: An analysis from the perspective of institutional economic theory.
  • The succession process in family businesses - a critical analysis.
  • About the importance of family committees in family businesses.
  • Corporate bodies as a governance tool in family businesses.
  • Challenges for leadership in family businesses - a critical analysis.
  • The crisis as an opportunity - family business action as a way to overcome the crisis.
  • The importance of knowledge generation and knowledge transfer for family businesses.
  • Knowledge management and succession in family businesses.
  • Diversity as a success factor for family businesses.
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