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  • Statistics and Data Analysis Group

    Bielefeld University
    © Universität Bielefeld

Predrag Pilipovic (M.Sc.)

Predrag Pilipovic

Research associate (PhD student)

Room: V8-148
E-mail: predrag.pilipovic@uni-bielefeld.de

Short CV

  • Since 09/2021: PhD student in Mathematical Statistics, double degree program between the University of Copenhagen and Bielefeld University

  • 10/2020—09/2021: MSc in Mathematics, University of Belgrade

  • 09/2020—09/2021: Research Assistant, University of Copenhagen

  • 09/2019—07/2020: MSc in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, University of Grenoble Alpes

  • 02/2020—07/2020: Research Intern, INRIA Grenoble Alpes

  • 09/2016—07/2019: BSc in Mathematics, University of Belgrade

Current preprints


  • “Parameter Estimation with SSSDE: Splitting Schemes for Stochastic Differential Equations”, Séminaire Données et Aléatoire Théorie & Applications (DATA), Grenoble, France, January 2023

  • “Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Multivariate Stochastic Differential Equations Based on Splitting Schemes”, IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS), Florence, Italy, December 2022

  • "Splitting schemes for SDE parameter estimation”, 11th Young Researchers Workshop of the Centre for Statistics, Bielefeld, November 2022

  • "Parameter estimation for multidimensional diffusion processes based on discrete observation”, The 11th Symposium "Mathematics and Applications”, Belgrade, Serbia, December 2021


  • European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellowship (2021-2024)

  • Annual Honorary Mention of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the field of mathematics and mechanics for M.Sc. students (2022)

  • University of Belgrade’s the best graduate student of Master's studies in Mathematics award (2021)

  • Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence (MIAI) scholarship for MSc at the University of Grenoble Alpes (2019-2020)


  • Teaching Assistant for the Regression course at the University of Copenhagen, summer semester 2020/2021 and winter semester 2021/2022

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