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Zentrale Anlaufstelle Barrierefrei

Logo der ZAB, bunte Kreise mit Schriftzug Zentrale Anlaufstelle Barrierefrei
Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© ZAB - Universität Bielefeld

Job advertisements ZAB

Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

The ZAB offers students of all disciplines the opportunity to write their thesis or project with us. The topics offered can be written as a bachelor's or master's thesis with adapted scope of functions. Likewise, project work is possible if this is included in the curricula of the degree programme.
We can also assist with papers, or if you have an idea for a topic yourself, you can also contact us directly by email at

Since the UniMaps project offers a larger number of papers, it is shown separately again below.


We are currently looking for student assistants for the DACHS and UniMaps projects. You can find the job advertisements here:

Project work and final theses


UniMaps on Smartphone
© ZAB - Universität Bielefeld

We are offering the opportunity to interested students to write their Bachelor/ Master thesis with us. We have set out some suggestions for topics. Each of the following can be written as a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, as appropriate to functional scope. The theses can also be completed as a project within the framework of the Intelligent Systems degree programme.

Please direct any enquiries by email to
We are unable to offer any further work on UniMaps for the winter semester of 2023/2024.


1. Map creation using machine learning, ray casting and/or computer vision

The "UniMaps" application enables barrier-free navigation within Bielefeld University. The university's map data is available in dxf format and must be converted to osm format. A framework has been developed that allows various algorithms to be used to create maps. As part of this work, various algorithms from the fields of machine learning, ray casting and/or computer vision are to be implemented and then compared with each other.

Other final theses

1. Development of an Ilias plugin for accessibility checking

In the DACHS project, a platform is being developed on which teaching staff, instructors, lectures can check their courses for Accessibility from learning management systems (LMS). In the context of this work, a plugin for the LMS Ilias is to be developed, which forms the interface between the DACHS portal and Ilias. An authentication shall be implemented, with which the accounts in both platforms can be connected with each other. Furthermore, all necessary information shall be extracted from the LMS and sent to the DACHS portal. The plugin should also enable students to send feedback to the teaching staff, instructors, lectures, which will also be transferred to the DACHS portal.
Contact: Dustin Matzel

2. Development of automatic accessibility tests for Microsoft Office documents

A Microsoft Office Add-in is currently being developed that will enable users to manually check their documents for accessibility using a checklist. An initial evaluation has shown that users would like the Add-in to check certain checkpoints automatically or to support them in the check. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate which accessibility checkpoints can be checked automatically and where the programme can support users during the check. These are then to be implemented. The existing tool, which was implemented as a web application with Nuxt 3 and Typescript and can access the document via the Office Javascript API, can be used as a basic framework.
Contact: Dustin Matzel

Completed works

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The theses and projects that have already been completed are listed below.

Cover of the bachelor thesis

Erweitern einer Desktop-Anwendung zum Testen von PDFs auf Barrierefreiheit um programmunterstützte manuelle Testungen

Jan Niklas Holtmann
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Speech-to-Text Systeme im Fokus: eine evaluative Betrachtung für fachsprachliche Anwendungen

Svenja Ingsmanns
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Evaluation und Entwicklung von Barrierefreiheitsprüftools für PDF-Dateien

Hendrik Müller
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Evaluierung von Entwicklungspraktiken: Integration von API-Testframeworks und Entwurfsmustern in einer Moodle- und Webapp-Schnittstelle

Jonas Hinz
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Evaluierung einer Navigations-App mit Berücksichtigung der Barrierefreiheit am Beispiel UniMaps

René Müller
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Microsoft Office Add-Ins zur Prüfung auf Barrierefreiheit

Ayten Tüfekci
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Optimierung der Softwarequalität einer Android-App mit Hilfe der Android Jetpack-Bibliotheken am Beispiel UniMaps

Fabian Wild
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dr.-Ing Sven Wachsmuth

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Semi-automated approach for generating indoor maps from CAD data

Alexander Kruse
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Barrierefreie und Plattformunabhängige Bewegungserkennung

Jan Reppien
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Indoor smartphone localization and navigation using bluetooth low energy beacons

Justus Bachmann
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover der Bachelorarbeit

Multiplatform rendering of mapsforge binary data

Linus Schwarz
Bachelor thesis

M.Sc. Dustin Matzel
Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke

Cover des Projektberichts

Automatic Code Generation for a Cross-Platform Indoor Navigation App

Dorian Drost, Rebecca Fortmann, Christian Kullik, Dustin Matzel, Bettina Reglin
Grundlagenprojekt Intelligente Systeme

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Johannfunke
AG Cognitive Systems Engineering

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