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Evolutionary Biology

© Universität Bielefeld

Dr. Denis Meuthen

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														Dr. Denis Meuthen

Dr. Denis Meuthen

Projektleiter "Plastizitäts-geleitete Evolution des Phänotyps einer Süßwasserschnecke: Vom Epigenom bis zur genetischen


My current research focuses on the reasons for variation in phenotypic plasticity, on the extent of transgenerational plasticity as well as on the role of plasticity in evolution. In my research, I aim to comprehensively study antipredator plasticity, ranging from the genotype and the epigenotype to the different aspects of the phenotype: behavior, morphology, physiology and life-history. For this purpose, I use Pelvicachromis taeniatus, Pimephales promelas and Physella acuta as model systems.


Research interests

  • Phenotypic plasticity
  • Transgenerational phenotypic plasticity
  • Antipredator plasticity
  • Alarm cues

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