„Dynamic Cell imaging“ has been the former junior research group of Thorsten Seidel. Thorsten’s main area of expertise is quantitative imaging of living cells applying techniques such as Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) or fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Besides imaging, he is interested in endomembranes and vacuolar transport.
Currently, all of Thorsten‘s projects are performed by bachelor and master students:
Leon and Katharina work on the assembly of the V-ATPase
"tba" investigate the formation of stress granules in plant cells
Israe works on bimolecular fluorescence complementation, Khadija on calcium-imaging, and Andre works on fluorescence protein design
Anna investigates cell fusions by microfluidics in co-operation with Dr. Martina Viefhues (Physics department)
Niklas optimizes imaging of protoplasts
Kim analyzes plant development by light sheet microscopy
Finja investigates Calcium- and ROS-signaling
Cornelius applies Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for analysis of ROS in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Brockhinke
Paul establishes application of mStaygold in plant cells
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