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  • Plant Biochemistry and Physiology

    © Universität Bielefeld


Abiotic stress and plant biomass production
Our research explores molecular mechanisms that allow plants to cope with abiotic stress, in particular excess light, oxidative stress, heavy metal and nanoparticle toxicity, salinity and heat shock.
We investigate:

  • Signalling pathways and networks
  • Transcription factors
  • Transcriptional regulation (transcriptome analysis; qRT-PCR)
  • Protein synthesis and turnover
  • Detoxification mechanisms (compatible compounds, antioxidants, transporters, chaperones)
  • Regulation of metabolism (photosynthesis)

Use and development of modern methods and technologies
Our research applies modern methods of genetics, molecular biology, protein chemistry, biochemical analysis and physiological characterization, one step- and two step-fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) for in vivo analysis of protein interactions, isothermal titration microcalorimetry to quantify molecular interactions, thermomicrocapillary for single cell temperature measurement and massspectrometry (Esquire 3000).

Our projects

Dynamic Cell Imaging (DCI)

„Dynamic Cell imaging“ has been the former junior research group of Thorsten Seidel. Thorsten’s main area of expertise is quantitative  imaging of living cells applying techniques such as Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) or fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Besides imaging, he is interested in endomembranes and vacuolar transport.

Enter the Project Page and learn more.

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