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Digital History

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© Universität Bielefeld

Tools and Resources


Nopaque Logo

In our newly released web application nopaque, we bundle coordinated tools such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a powerful Keyword In Context Search (KWIC) with the CQP query language.


Preview DKAN

This instance of DKAN serves as the main resource of all data publications generated by the SFB1288 and is hosted by the Data Infrastructure and Digital Humanities group.


WORCK preview

The infrastructure for WORCK will not only serve as a tool for collaboration but will also offer new ways of publication. Researchers can publish their work as digital working papers or in the form of blog articles, and create data publications based on their source materials that will then open their research for the public. All these services will be available in sustainable and citable formats.

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