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Students at Campus X, Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University

Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Research and Application

Gender studies in Bielefeld can look back on a long tradition. As early as 1990, the Faculty of Sociology introduced an elective subject "Women's Studies" as part of the diploma programme and thus contributed significantly to the institutionalisation of gender studies at universities in the FRG. After a development phase in which numerous actors participated, the four-semester Master's programme "Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Research and Application" began its activities in the winter semester 2007/08. The faculties of Sociology, Education, Health Sciences, Psychology and Sport Sciences are involved in the Master's programme, as is Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. This made it possible to create a broad range of courses across faculties and universities. Since 2018, the Bielefeld Master "Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Research and Application?" has been a member of the PONS network, which allows students to change their place of study for one or two semesters within Germany. In addition, we have been actively supporting our students for a long time in the planning and implementation of stays abroad.

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