Coverage of the award ceremony for Eudard Dörrenberg and Christoph Harras-Wolff and the laudatory speech
WDRLokalzeit studio interview with Professor Becker on the effects of the real division at the Dr. Oekter Group (23.07.2021)
Interview with Professor Becker on the rumour "Tönnies is being sold" on WDR3-Lokalzeit (19.03.2021)
Two press organisations report on the handover:
To the press articles:
Further press releases on the entry of Dr Andreas Hettich
Link to the nw interview.
An article on the cooperation with Law in "Institut für Familienunternehmen wächst", 8 February 2019,
Neue Westfälische: Interview: "The number of female founders is still low" Interview. Professors Christina Hoon and Sabrina Backs talk about women in management positions in Bielefeld. One demand is that companies should no longer keep female talent out of the management ranks. 30 per cent of family businesses are already planning with women for succession in company management, 08.03.2019. Texts and photos from the Neue Westfälische are protected by copyright. Reproduction only with written authorisation from the editors.
Article by Professor Hoon on "OWL is family business country" in the Westfalen-Blatt.
Inaugural lecture by iFUn members Kempny and Sanders and the pre-reporting state in the Neue Westfälische.
The endowed chair "Management of Family Businesses" (Prof. Dr Christina Hoon) and the junior professorship "Management of Family Businesses" (JProf. Dr Kai Bormann) conducted the OWL Survey: Life and Work Attractiveness as part of the iFUn in 2018/19. The survey is supported by AG 2 for Biomedical Foundations (Bielefeld University). The nw reported on it.
Press release by Neue Westfälische "Why family businesses tick differently" Science: An endowed chair at Bielefeld University has been researching this difference for a good three years. We asked five of the students: Are family-run companies really as outdated as many people think? 29.05.2019. [more] Neue Westfälische, 29.05.2019. Texts and photos from the Neue Westfälische are protected by copyright. Re-use only with written authorisation from the editors.
Article by Professor Hoon on "Family businesses tick differently" in Merton, the online organ of the Stifterverband, 9 March 2018.
Neue Westfälische: "Interview: Christina Hoon explains the success of family businesses" Interview: Bielefeld foundation professor Christina Hoon on initial research results and her findings on family businesses, 13/06/2017.
Report on the "Entrepreneur of the Year OWL" award to Wolf Dieter Meier-Scheuven (jury chairman and laudator Professor Becker)
Neue Westfälische: Interview with Professor Hoon: "What makes family-owned companies so successful" Important decisions are made at the kitchen table? 06.11.2015.
Neue Westfälische: "Family businesses tick differently" New endowed professorship: Economist Christina Hoon is looking forward to her new teaching role at Bielefeld University, 07.10.2015. "The OWL.ManagementKolloquium continues", 30 October 2015.
Neue Westfälische: "Entrepreneurs and researchers from OWL discuss values in the workplace" Ethics at work as a challenge, 31 October 2015.
Bielefeld University press release on the new endowed chair, 5 June 2014.
Note in the Ostwestfälische Wirtschaft on the new endowed chair, July 2014.