Bielefelder Lehrer*innenbildung
The practical studies for professional orientation (OPSE) in the first year of the bachelor's degree serves as an initial theory-in-practice course in the field of school activities and the development of a profession-oriented perspective for further studies. In the sense of a career-oriented function, the theory-in-practice course enables the reflective examination of professional requirements and school reality from the perspective of the teacher. With a view to personal competence development, it is intended to promote reflection on the choice of profession with reference to the level of development of individual competences. In the context of the study program, it should provide an opportunity to develop pedagogical questions from practice. The theory-in-practice course thus also has an orienting function for the further individual design of the focal points in the course of study.
The theory-in-practice course is a modular part of the educational sciences program. It is part of the Modules Introductory Module BiWi (Module 25-BiWi1_b).
The theory-in-practice course consists of an accompanying seminar and a five-week school-based practical phase. The accompanying seminar usually starts two weeks before the school visit, continues in parallel and ends one week after the end of the internship. The assignment to the accompanying seminars is made centrally by the subject.
In the document "Contents and organization of the practical phase" you will find all further information about the internship and the accompanying seminar.
At the end of the school-based practical phases, pupils have a final discussion with their mentor at the school. The interview serves as a reflective discussion of the student's own professional development against the background of the experiences during the internship. The form for the final school-based reflection interview can be found here.
The practical phase comprises 25 internship days and is carried out in the form of a five-week block work placement during the lecture-free period. The recruitment and placement of the intern ships is carried out by the internship placement office of the BiSEd.