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Center for Theories in Historical Research

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

“Denkraum Theorie” Study Group

Management and organization: Lars Deile, Jana K. Hoffmann, Lisa Regazzoni (all Universität Bielefeld) und Britta Hochkirchen (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)

Student Members: Harry Enns, Vanessa Krjutschkow, Jannik Seidler, Marcus Wystub

This study group sees itself as an open forum for the exchange of ideas about theories, the synchronic and diachronic diversity of these theories, and their relation to history as an object of research. We would like to invite scholars and advanced students of the humanities interested in theory and keen on discussion to enter the “Denkraum Theorie” (theory thinking space) and help to shape it. Depending on the interests of the participants, we will decide on the priorities and working methods in the respective first semester session.

Interested persons are cordially invited to contact Lisa Regazzoni (

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