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News (from 2023)

On June 28/29, 2024, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer and Research Assistant Emma Sammet will present at the conference “Law & Political Economy in Germany” at Humboldt University Berlin. Thomas Wischmeyer will speak on “Constitutionalizing the political economy”. Emma Sammet talks about “The law of the housing market”.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer on June 5, 2024: “Grundrechtlicher Rahmen der Digitalisierung der Verwaltung - Freiheitsrechte” ["Fundamental rights framework for the digitalization of administration - civil liberties"], lecture at the DFG and National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) funded First Colloquium on the Digitization of Administrative Law in Germany and Taiwan (DigitV).
On May 16, 2024, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer took part in the 4th Bielefeld Debate on Contemporary History organized by Prof. Dr. Christina Morina and discussed with Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau (Humboldt University Berlin) on the topic “Demokratie braucht Öffentlichkeit. Zur Gegenwart und Zukunft eines fragilen Verhältnisses" ["Democracy needs publicity. On the present and future of a fragile relationship"].
On 19/20 March 2024, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer gave a lecture on "Elektronische Kommunikation mit der Verwaltung unter den Bedingungen europäischer Verbundstrukturen" [“Electronic communication with the administration under the conditions of European network structures”] at the 5th working discussions on administrative law organized by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kahl and Prof. Dr. Ute Mager.


Presentation: Dr. Franziska Bantlin, LL.M. (Yale) was invited by the Parliamentary Control Committee to speak about reforms in intelligence oversight required due to recent case law of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. The internal conference took place on April 24, 2023 in the "Bundestag".

copyright: photo: DBT/ Inga Haar


Presentation: The Climate Protection Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court: Challenges for landlords and tenants (16th March 2023)

At the anniversary event of the German Tenancy Court Day 2023, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer will give a presentation dedicated to the impact of the FCJ's climate protection jurisprudence on tenancy law.


Presentation: State-Approved Vulnerabilities - Basic Features of State Vulnerability Governance (January 2023)

As part of the "Trier Talks on Law and Digitization", Prof. Dr. Wischmeyer analyzed the compatibility of state use of IT vulnerabilities with the German constitution, using the example of source telecommunication surveillance and discussed how it can be subjected to better control under the rule of law.

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