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Dear female, non-binary and intersex students,

the current Blickpunkte round started in May 2024 and ends in January 2025. We accept registrations for the next round (expected to start in May 2025) all year round.

Please send the completed applicaton form and your CV in tabular form to


Programme duration

May 2024 - January 2025

Registration deadline

Contact us

Programme coordination:
Lara Stemmer
Master student
Gender Studies


Office: X C3-241

If you have any questions, comments or need further information, please contact us at any time!


Welcome to BLICKPUNKTE - the peer group mentoring programme for female, inter* and non-binary students at the Faculty of Sociology

It is not always easy to make decisions about your future during your studies. It can be helpful to think about your future career while you are still studying, especially for degree programmes with a wide range of appointments. BLICKPUNKTE aims to make it easier for participants* to gain an insight into science as a career field and offer them a framework in which they can let their gaze wander. They are given the opportunity to find out about doctorate/Phd studies and paths into science at an early stage. At the same time, it serves as a fixed meeting point with other female* students and academic staff from the Faculty, where appointment-, career- and everyday life-related questions can be discussed.

BLICKPUNKTE is an equal opportunities measure to implement the Faculty of Sociology's equal opportunities plan. The aim is to support students who are disadvantaged and discriminated against due to their gender in an androcentrically structured institution. This affects women, inter* and non-binary students. The programme is aimed at this group of people.

BLICKPUNKTE offers an exchange with...

... a self-organising small group in which everyday study situations can be discussed and reflected upon and new goals for the semester can be formulated. At the same time, these meetings serve as preparation for discussions with the mentors* and other programme events.

... young female* academics who report informally and without hierarchy on their careers and experiences in the academic world.

... staff , people from academic/science-related professional practice, to show career opportunities outside the university and to network.

This gives the participants* the opportunity to specifically consider university and science as a career option during their studies: "Do I want to do a doctorate? And what does that even mean?"

The aims of BLICKPUNKTE are ...

... a successful study programme

... Providing space for organisation and reflection

... Networking with other students, doctoral candidates and staff, people from science-related professional practice

Peer group mentoring programme - what does that actually mean?

Mentoring refers to the relationship between a professionally experienced person (mentor) and a less professionally experienced person (mentee) with the aim of promoting the personal development of the mentee. The mentor's experience reports are perceived as helpful and enlightening. A mentoring relationship is non-hierarchical, confidential and voluntary (cf. Brocke et al. 2017, p. 92).

Group mentoring means that a defined small group meets with a mentor at regular intervals and discusses appointment-, career- and everyday life-related topics with this person (see Brocke et al. 2017, p. 92).

Peer mentoring involves a defined small group exchanging ideas and supporting each other in "regular, structured working meetings on appointment, career and everyday issues". "Positive effects arise from the exchange at a common qualification level and through the interplay of individual perspectives, backgrounds of experience and, where applicable, different specialist cultures. Dealing with each other in an appreciative and non-competitive manner is of great importance." (Brocke et al. 2017, p. 92)

Literature: Brocke P. S., Brüschke G. V., Ogawa-Müller Y., Gaede I. (2017): Mentoring formats: Peer and group mentoring. Together instead of alone through everyday academic life. In: Petersen R., Budde M., Brocke P. S., Doebert G., Rudack H., Wolf H. (Eds.): Praxishandbuch Mentoring in der Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 91-104.

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