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    © Universität Bielefeld


The Equal Opportunities Commission of the Faculty of Sociology welcomes you on our website.

Here you will find comprehensive information about our work, goals and projects. The aim of our website is to pass on information on topics relevant to gender equality to the members of the faculty of Sociology.

We appreciate your interest in the Equal Opportunities Commission and invite you to send us an email to if you have any questions, suggestions or proposals for improvement.

The Equal Opportunities Commission

The Faculty of Sociology understands the equality of women* and men* in all areas and status groups as one of its central development goals. It emphatically supports and sustainably implements the equality measures of Bielefeld University Equality is understood to mean that measures are taken to support equal opportunities and equal rights for the sexes. This can be achieved by reducing the structural disadvantages of women*, reducing inequality in the allocation of jobs and insuring a respectful conduct on all levels of staff.

The Equal Opportunities Commission is committed to the equal participation of all women* and men* at all levels of the faculty. Therefore we provide recommendations for actions, accompany appointment procedures and serve as a point of contact for all questions relating to equality, as well as for suggestions, complaints and the report of personal or structural experiences of discrimination.    

A special topic for us is the implementation of gender-sensitive language. You can find more information here. In order to achieve gender equality in academia and in everyday life at the university, we have set up the project “Gender Equality in the everyday life at the faculty – a moderated dialogue”. We have been conducting the project in regular intervals since 2018. The aim is the exchange information and raise awareness of topics related to gender equality at the faculty. You can find further information here


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