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Bielefeld University

Bologna Incoming

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Events & Deadlines

Erasmus+ Office Hours

At the moment we are offering online office hours. Please contact us to make an appointment by mail to

All courses for the upcoming semester are also available online in the eKVV. You can find an overview of courses in English HERE.


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The participants of the Double Degree Program spend their third semester at the partner university. The third semester is always the winter semester/primo semestre.

Key dates concerning the winter semester at Bielefeld University:

  • Begin: 1st of October
  • End: 31st of March
  • Begin of lectures: early/mid-October
  • Winter break: shortly before Christmas till early January (University buildings are closed)
  • End of lectures: Early February
  • Intensive German course (All levels): Mid-September – Beginning of lectures

The International Office is responsible for all organizational questions regarding your stay (Accommodation, enrollment, etc.). For questions on these matters, please contact Magdalena Mayer at On this site, you'll find informations regarding your study programme in Bielefeld. If you have any questions on the matter, please contact the coordinator of the programme at the Faculty of Sociology.

Students from Bologna have to complete four courses during their semester at Bielefeld University. They receive a list containing the course options from their coordinator around early July. Each course is assigned to one or two thematic areas of the MA Sociology. There are 11 areas in total, while the courses taught in English are mostly offered in the areas "Sociology and Anthroplogy of the Global World" and "Social Structure Analysis and Social Inequality".

In each course students can choose whether they complete only a non-graded study performance (4 ECTS credits), or if they additionally want to complete a graded examination (6 ECTS credits). The form of the study performance gets defined at the beginning of the lecture. Often lecturers choose oral presentations or brief written summaries of academic articles. Examination in the MA Sociology courses are always so-called “Hausarbeiten”, academic papers with a length of 20 to 30 pages. Papers usually have to be handed in at the end of the semester on March, 31st.

When choosing your four courses for your semester in Bielefeld, you have to follow certain rules:

  • You choose two courses out of one thematic area each. This means that you will either choose courses out of two thematic areas, or all of your courses belong to one thematic area.
  •  Out of the two courses, which belong to one thematic area, one course has to be completed with a study performance only, while the other has to be completed with a study performance and an examination. After completing both courses, you have completed a module. For example, in order to complete the module in Political Sociology, you have to choose two courses out of the thematic area Political Sociology and complete an examination performance in one of them. One module is worth 14 ECTS credits (4 ECTS credits in the first course and 4+6 ECTS credits in the second).
  • Each course that belongs to a specific thematic area can be combined with every other course in that thematic area.
  • In which course the examination performance will be handed in can be decided by the students. If a course belongs to two thematic areas, students can choose which of the two they assign the course to.

To summarize the requirements for your semester at Bielefeld University:

You have to complete two modules of 14 ECTS credits each, which means four courses have to be attend with a study performance (4 ECTS credits), in two of the four courses an examination (6 ECTS credits) has to be completed additionally.

After your return from Bielefeld, you can get recognized the courses attended in Bielefeld for four courses in Bologna. This table shows which courses in Bologna are assigned to which module (thematic area) in Bielefeld. If you have received credits for a module in Bielefeld, you can choose any two courses which are listed as equivalent at the University of Bologna.


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