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Events & Deadlines

Erasmus+ Office Hours

At the moment we are offering online office hours. Please contact us to make an appointment by mail to

All courses for the upcoming semester are also available online in the eKVV. You can find an overview of courses in English HERE.


Do you got any questions?
We would like to help you.


What is the Erasmus+ Programme?

The Erasmus+ Programme was designed to promote student and teaching staff mobility in Europe. It provides opportunities for students to study and work abroad, for university teachers to teach abroad, and for staff to be trained abroad, up to two semesters. In June 2012, Bielefeld University was awarded the Erasmus Quality Label by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for its efforts to promote student and staff mobility (see the article on

Erasmus+ Cooperative Agreements and Coordinators

The Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University has cooperative agreements with about 40 Erasmus+ partner universities in Europe. Furthermore the faculty established several partnerships with universities outside the EU, with the International Dimension of the Erasmus+ programme. All partners can be found here, listed by country, study cycle or thematic area.

Several coordinators are in charge of the cooperation agreements and are listed along with the partner universities they represent here.

Erasmus+ Internationale Dimension

Since 2015 the "International Dimension" of the Erasmus+ programme provides the opportunity for international mobility outside of Europe for students and staff members. The Faculty of Sociology successfully established four worldwide partnerships in Nepal (Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University), Russland (St. Petersburg) and Israel (Haifa, Tel Aviv).

In August 2017, the Faculty concluded the first funding phase of its International Dimension projects. A press release is available in the University News (in German).


How to become part of the Erasmus+ Programme?

The Erasmus+ Programme at the University of Bielefeld is organized in two directions:


As a student pursuing a degree (BA, MA, or PhD) or as a staff member of the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University, you are eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ Programme as an outgoing student if you plan to study at a university that has a bilateral agreement.

Information about the programme, the application process for outgoing students, and the list of partner universities can be found in the section Outgoing.


The Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld welcomes Erasmus+ students from about 40 partner universities in Europe. If you are a student or staff member of the faculty at one of the partner universities with which our faculty in Bielefeld has a cooperative agreement, you are eligible to participate in the Erasmus+ Programme as incoming student or staff.

Information about studying at the Faculty of Sociology in Bielefeld as part of the Erasmus+ Programme, the application process for incoming students, and the list of partner universities can be found in the section Incoming.



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