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Centre for Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence (CPI)

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Prevention and Intervention at the Duisburg network for children of mentally ill parents (PID)

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Project duration:

  • 01.02.2013-30.04.2015

Project lead and implementation:


In cooperation with


The overall aim of the project is an evaluation of the network in respect to the target audience, utilization and effectiveness of existing support services for families in which at least one parent suffers from a mental disorder. The work contributes to an examination and quality assurance of network activities of the Psychosocial Working Group (PSAG) for affected families. In addition, the project aims to optimize the use of preventive potential in psychosocial care. The Robert Bosch Foundation enables the implementation of the project.

Implementation of the evaluation study

The project consists of a formative and summative evaluation. The formative evaluation is especially used to evaluate and improve the concept, structure and process quality, at this point in tangible terms, the clinic offers. To prove the effectivity of the offered group activities for children the intended and unintended effects are reviewed. The results should be mainly generated from the investigation of the clients perspective. The implementation of the evaluation is embedded in the teaching research for Master students of social work.

Concerning the instruments for data collection different qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research are taken into account which are developed during the project.

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