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    © Universität Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Laaser DTM&H, MPH


© Universität Bielefeld

Geboren 1941 in Königswusterhausen bei Berlin. Leitung des Arbeitsfeldes Internationale Gesundheit (Section of International Public Health, S-IPH) an der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Universität Bielefeld (seit 1998), Mitglied des Vorstandes am Institut für Bevölkerungsforschung und Sozialpolitik (IBS, 1994-2003), Vertretung der Professur für Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Fachbereich Pflege und Gesundheit (1997-2002). Leitung des Landesinstituts für den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst NRW (1986-1994).
Seit 2002 Mitglied des Executive Board der World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) und seit 2001 Mitglied und Sprecher (- 2005) der Kommission für Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Public Health (DGPH); Präsident (1993-1995) der Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER); Gründungsmitglied und Vorsitzender (1997-2001) des Deutschen Verbandes für Gesundheitswissenschaften und Public Health (DVGPH, zuvor DVGE). Associated editor des Journal of Public Health Policy und Mitherausgeber u.a. der Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften sowie der Reihe Gesundheitsforschung im Juventa-Verlag und der Reihen Gesundheit, Pflege und Soziale Arbeit sowie International Public Health im Hans-Jacobs-Verlag, Lage.


  • Internationale Gesundheit, Gesundheitspolitik, Herz-Kreislauf-Epidemiologie und Epidemiologie der Infektionskrankheiten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tuberkulose, Gesundheitsindikatoren, Nutzen zu Kosten Analysen.


  • 2004-2005: Leitung des EU-Projekts “Support to the Public Health Development in Serbia”
  • Unterstützung des Neuaufbaus der postgraduierten gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Ausbildung seit 1994 in Palästina und seit Juli 2000 in den Ländern Südosteuropas (Stabilitätspakt, DAAD)
  • bundesweites Schlaganfall-Screening (im Auftrag der Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe, 1998/99)
  • Global Public Health Information Network (G7-GLOPHIN, 1998/99)
  • Deutsche Herz-Kreislauf Präventionsstudie (DHP) und Nationaler Gesundheitssurvey (1984-1992)
  • NTERSALT-Studie (1988/89)
  • Kölner Langzeitstudie zum kardiovaskulären Risikoprofil bei Adoleszenten (1974-1986)

Selected publications


  • Laaser, U.: A plea for Good Global Governance. Front. Public Health; DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00046
  • Laaser, U./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V.: The United Nations millennium development and post-2015 sustainable development goals: Towards long-term social change and social stability (Editorial). SEEJPH 2014, posted: 25 June 2014. DOI 10.12908/SEEJPH-2014-27
  • Laaser, U./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V.: The United Nations millennium development and post-2015 sustainable development goals: Towards long-term social change and social stability (Editorial). SEEJPH 2014, posted: 25 June 2014. DOI 10.12908/SEEJPH-2014-27
  • Lomazzi, M./ Laaser, U./ Theisling, M./ Tapia, L./ Borisch, B.: Millennium development goals: how public health professionals perceive MDG achievements. GHA 2014.
    Available at: http://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/gha/article/view/24352
  • Czabanowska, K./ Laaser, U./ Stjernberg, L.: Shaping and Authorising a Public Health Profession (Short report). SEEJPH 2014, posted: 31 May 2014. DOI 10.12908/SEEJPH-2014-23
  • Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Lalic, N./ Wenzel, H./ Nikolic-Mandic, R./ Laaser, U.: Continuing Medical Education in Serbia - with particular reference to the Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade. Vojnosanitetski Pregled: online September 2014 (in print)
  • Stapleton, G./ Schroeder-Baeck, P./ Laaser, U./ Meershoek, A./ Popa, D.: Global health ethics: an introduction to prominent theories and relevant topics. Global Health Action 7 (2014).
    Available at: http://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/gha/article/view/23569 (accessed 08.01.2015)
  • Lomazzi, M./ Borisch, B./ Laaser, U.: The Millennium Development Goals: experiences, achievements and what’s next. Global Health Action 7 (2014).
    Available at: http://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/gha/article/view/23695 (accessed 08.01.2015)
  • Laaser, U./ Brand, H.: Global Health in the 21st century. Global Health Action 7 (2014).
    Available at: http://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/gha/article/view/23694 (accessed 08.01.2015)
  • Laaser, U./ Breckenkamp, J./ Sauzet, O./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V.: Treatment of elevated cholesterol in a representative cross-sectional sample of 4 892 Germans: is there a social gradient? Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health: 10/ 3 (2013): e-8944: 1-8 (DOI: 10.2427/8944)
  • Laaser, U./ Breckenkamp, J./ Sauzet, O./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V.: Treatment of elevated cholesterol in a representative cross-sectional sample of 4 892 Germans: is there a social gradient? Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health: 10/ 3 (2013): e-8944: 1-8 (DOI: 10.2427/8944)
  • Laaser, U./ Breckenkamp, J./ Sauzet, O./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V.: Treatment of elevated cholesterol in a representative cross-sectional sample of 4 892 Germans: is there a social gradient? Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health: 10/ 3 (2013): e-8944: 1-8 (DOI: 10.2427/8944)
  • Sipetić, S./ Ilić, D./ Marinković, J./ Vlajinac, H./ Bjegović, V./ Cucić, V./ Laaser, U.: HIV/AIDS risk behaviours among Roma and non-Roma sex workers in Belgrade (Serbia). Collegium antropologicum 12/2012; 36(4):1197-203
  • Laaser, U.: (2013) From the past to the future (editorial). Albanian Medical Journal 2013; 1: 7-8
    online at: http://www.ishp.gov.al/multimedia/revista_mjekesore/revista%201-2013.pdf
  • Lomazzi, M./ Theisling, M./ Tapia, L./ Borisch, B./ Laaser, U.: (2013) MDGs – A public health professional’s perspective from 71 countries. Journal of Public Health Policy, Federations’ Pages Online Supplement, 34/1, e1–e22; doi:10.1057/jphp.2012.69
  • Chauvin, J./ Rispel, L./ Borisch, B./ Laaser, U.: (2012) The World Federation of Public Health Associations, Representing the Global Civil Society Voice for Public Health and Health Equity. World Medical Journal 58/1: 18-19
    online at: http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/20journal/pdf/wmj37.pdf
  • Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Vukovic, D./ Otok, R./ Czabanowska, K./ Laaser, U.: Education and training of public health professionals in the European Region: variation and convergence. Int J Public Health 2013: 58/6: 801-810; DOI: 10.1007/s00038-012-0425-2
  • Zaletel-Kragelj, L./ Kovacic, L./ Bjegovic, V./ Bozikov, J./ Burazeri, G./ Donev, D./ Galan, A./ Georgieva, L./ Pavlekovic, G./ Scintee, SG/ Bardehle, D./ Laaser, U.: Utilization of teaching modules published in a series of handbooks for teachers, researchers and health professionals in the frame of “Forum for Public Health in South Eastern Europe - Programmes for training and research in public health” network. Slovenian Journal of Public Health 51/4 (2012): 237-250
  • Sipetic, S./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Vlajinac, H./ Marinkovic, J./ Jankovic, S./ Terzic, Z./Atanackovic-Markovic, Z.†/ Saulic, A.†/ Laaser, U.: The burden of disease preventable by risk factor reduction In Serbia. Vojnosanitetski Pregled (VSP): 70/5 (2013): 445-451; online 11 December 2012 (UDC: 616-036.22:[616-02:616.1/.8)

Bücher/ Buchbeiträge:

  • Laaser, U./ Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Lueddeke, G.: Epilogue: Global Health, Governance, and Education. In: Lueddeke, G. (ed.) Global Population Health and Well-Being in the 21st Century – Towards New Paradigms, Policy, and Practice. Springer, New York: 2015; in print.
  • Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Czabanowska, K./ Flahault, A./ Otok, R./ Shortell, S./ Wisbaum, W./ Laaser, U.: (2014) Policy Summary 10: Addressing needs in the public health workforce in Europe. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO-EURO: Copenhagen, Denmark
    available at: http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/248304/Addressing-needs-in-the-public-health-workforce-in-Europe.pdf?ua=1
  • Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Vukovic, D./ Otok, R./ Laaser, U.: Functions, competences, and performance in Public Health Education. In: Working Group on Innovation and Good Practice in Public Health Education (WGIGP) in cooperation with ASPHER members: Modern Teaching – Distance Learning, a guide to online and blended learning - with case studies from public health. ASPHER : Brussels 2013: pp 11-32
  • Donev, D./ Kovacic, L./ Laaser, U.: (2013) The role and organization of health systems. In: Forum for Public Health in Southeastern Europe; A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals: Health: Systems – Lifestyle – Policies. Editors: Burazeri, G./ Zaletel Kragelj, L.; Assistant editor: Petrela, K.: Volume I, 2nd edition; ISBN: 978-3-89918-806-6;
    online at: http://www.seejph.com/documents/Volume-I-Health-Systems-Lifestyle-Policies.pdf (3-14)
  • Bjegovic-Mikanovic, V./ Burazeri, G./ Laaser, U.: (2013) The framework of public health. In: Forum for Public Health in Southeastern Europe; A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals: Health: Systems – Lifestyle – Policies. Editors: Burazeri, G./ Zaletel Kragelj, L.; Assistant editor: Petrela, K.: Volume I, 2nd edition; ISBN: 978-3-89918-806-6;
    online at: http://www.seejph.com/documents/Volume-I-Health-Systems-Lifestyle-Policies.pdf (113-125)
  • Burazeri, G./ Mone, I./ Georgieva, L./ Laaser, U.: (2013) Socio-economic factors – key determinants of health. In: Forum for Public Health in Southeastern Europe; A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals: Health: Systems – Lifestyle – Policies. Editors: Burazeri, G./ Zaletel Kragelj, L.; Assistant editor: Petrela, K.: Volume I, 2nd edition; Jacobs Publisher, Lage 2013, 455 p., ISBN: 978-3-89918-806-6; free of charge.
    online at: http://www.seejph.com/forum-for-public-health-in-southeastern-europe/ (392-397)
  • Kovacic, L./ Laaser, U./ Burazeri, G./ Zaletl-Kragelj, L.: Preface. In: Forum for Public Health in Southeastern Europe; A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals: Health Investigation: Analysis – Planning – Evaluation. Editors: Burazeri, G. and Zaletel Kragelj, L.; Assistant editors: Petrela, K. and Muja, H.: Volume II, 2nd edition; Jacobs Publisher: Lage 2013, 579 p., ISBN 978- 3-89918-807-3, free of charge.
    online at: http://www.seejph.com/forum-for-public-health-in-southeastern-europe-vol-ii/


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