There are still significant challenges in healthcare for people with disabilities. For example, people with disabilities have proven poorer access to healthcare services and poorer health compared to the general population. The desired goals of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the health and participation goals set by law have yet to be achieved in many areas.
This also applies to the medical rehabilitation in people with disabilities. However, only a few studies have been conducted on this topic so far, and there is a particular lack of research on routine data regarding the need, approval, and utilization of medical rehabilitation for this target group.
The main target of the MeReMBe project is to investigate the research domain of medical rehabilitation in individuals with pre-existing disabilities. Our work revolves around two key research questions:
In this context, we aim to identify challenging areas in rehabilitative care and important action fields. These results form the basis for the development of future quantitative research designs on this topic to improve the data situation and generate evidence. The secondary objective is to formulate recommendations for action with regard to possible improvements in the rehabilitative care of people with pre-existing disabilities.
The present project has an explorative research design using qualitative methods. The focus of the project is on the perspective of (potential) rehabilitants and people involved in the rehabilitation process. In guided interviews, they are asked to talk about their experiences with the medical rehabilitation process.
Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (GfR NRW e.V.)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Razum (Universität Bielefeld)