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Prof. Dr. Jutta M. Hartmann

General Linguistics Group

© Universität Bielefeld

Prof. Dr. Jutta M. Hartmann

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														Prof. Dr. Jutta Hartmann

Prof. Dr. Jutta Hartmann

Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

+49 521 106-3576
Telephone secretary
+49 521 106-3689
UHG C5-240

Professor Dr. Jutta M. Hartmann is Professor of General Linguistics at Bielefeld University since December 2019. She concentrates on empirical investigation and theoretical analysis of languages, mostly concentrating on the grammar of different languages including effects of context on the structure and meaning of sentences. The overall goal her investigations in comparative research is to uncover the shared properties and points of variations in languages in order to better understand the human capacity of language.


Jutta M. Hartmann is Fellow of the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language.


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