Welcome to the Mathematical Economics departmental student representative committee at Bielefeld University.
Welcome to the website of the Mathematical Economics departmental student representative committee at Bielefeld University!
We, the departmental student representative committee for Mathematical Economics (WiMa-Fachschaft for short), are made up of students from all semesters who look after your interests as WiMa students. Whether it's commissions, parties or studying, we're up for anything and are happy for you to join us. You'll get an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at the university, make contacts with lecturers and learn tips and tricks from years of experience.
Why don't you talk to us during the Erstitage or simply come to one of our student council meetings to have a taster and enjoy the amazing view on the ninth floor with us!
Are you studying WiMa?
Would you like to stand up for your fellow students, organise events with other people, participate in the committees of the Faculty of Mathematics, take part in first-year events or simply get to know other Mathematical Economics students?
Then take a look at the departmental student representative committee! In the summer semester 2024, we meet every Wednesday at 12:30 pm in our student council room in W9-108. And don't worry, we are organised without any obligation! Whether you're a first-year or Master's student, everyone is welcome.
Student council meeting: Wednesdays at 12:30 pm in W9-108 (WiSe 24/25)
You can also reach us by email or phone:
Email: fswima ( at ) uni-bielefeld.de
Phone: 0521 106 4899
Student counselling service Bachelor:
Lara-Kristin Moch | Room: V7 - 128|
Student counselling service Master:
Steffen Zerbe | Room: V7 - 128|
Student counselling dates (WiSe 24/25):
Bachelor: Tuesdays 12:30 to 2 pm and Thursdays 10 to 11:30 pm
Master's: Tuesdays 2:30 to 4 pm, Wednesdays 2:30 to 4 pm and Fridays 10:30 to 11:30 am
During the lecture-free period appointments can be arranged by email.
Phone: 0521 106 67672 (during office hours)
You can reach us with the following email: Studienberatung-WiMa ( at ) math.uni-bielefeld.de.
Feel free to send us your questions!
We now have an Instagram account! Why don't you check it out? WiMa departmental student representative committee
The maths departmental student representative committee also has an Instagram account: Maths departmental student representative committee