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Der diesjährige World Sleep Day am Freitag, 13.03.2020, steht unter dem Motto 'Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet'. Er verfolgt das Ziel, das Bewusstsein für das Thema Schlaf zu schärfen und zum Handeln in Sachen Schlaf aufzurufen. Aus diesem Anlass wird es auch an der Universität Bielefeld verschiedene Aktionen geben, bei denen sich die Studierenden und Beschäftigten über das Thema Schlaf informieren können.
Erste Informationen finden Sie in den folgenden Videos:
This year's bi.teach Day for Teaching motto was "Lehre durch Evaluation und Feedback (weiter-)entwickeln". Anja Friedrich gave a lecture on the topic "Zusammen plant man weniger allein - Evaluation der Lehrplanung mit Studierenden:" When we think of feedback, it is often conected with interim or final evaluations of courses.
But why should we only seek feedback during or after our course? In my keynote speech, I use my own teaching example to illustrate how students can be involved in the curriculum even before the start of the event. Advantages and disadvantages are shown and possible prerequisites discussed.
If you have any further ideas, comments or questions, please contact Mrs. Friedrich directly: (0521-10612495).
Since May 2018, our Refugee Ambulance for Children and Adolescents (FLAM) has been supported by the Karl-Bröcker Foundation through third-party funding. In addition to Mona Bünnemann, Selma-Merle Krauß can now support young people who have fled. Furthermore the worklod was relieved by an additional scientific assistant who takes over the telephone call time and organizational tasks.
On March 3, 2018, the AG Pädiatrie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin e.V. awarded Mona Bünnemann's lecture " Nachts ist mein Kopf in Kabul - Schmerz - und Schlafverhalten unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge" with the lecture prize 2018.
On April 27, our research assistant in the Germany finale of the FameLab showed the connection between blue light and the melatonin distribution with her lecture " Sandmann vs. Smartphone". Through her contribution " Sag mir, was du studierst und ich sage dir, wie du schläfst" she qualified for the final in the Oetkerhalle. She stood on stage alongside other scientists and gave an entertaining, interesting and audience-involving lecture. However, the competition was strong and Olga Sin won both the Audience Award and the 1st place. Watch the video of her talk at the Fame Lab Finale here.
From 4-7 May 2016, the clinical psychology and psychotherapy units of childhood and adolescence, as well as adulthood, will host the 34th Symposium of the Fachgruppe für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs. Under the motto "Baustelle Psychotherapie" Prof. Dr. Angelika Schlarb and Prof. Dr. Frank Neuner will talk about the current state of Bielefeld Universiy and discuss current topics in clinical psychology.
Do you sleep badly, lack concentration during the day or are often in a bad mood?
Then you can find help with the DGSM, giving students tips and tricks for healthy sleep.
Interested students will be given an impulse lecture followed by a question-and-answer session on the topic Good sleep in their studies as Prerequisite for a successful study . Another topic deals with sleep disorders in children and connections to the state of the day.
From 18 to 19 March 2016, the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine invites you to inform yourself about current findings in daily sleep medicine practice and research.
On 13 March, this year's World Sleep Day, the AE07 of the Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science dealt with several sleep-related topics. Among other things, the question arises as to how many "Owls" actually live in OWL?
"Owls" are called the so-called evening types or "owls" in sleep research. Typical for these type of people is that they like to stay up long in the evening and get tired relatively late. Usually "Owls" go to bed much later than the general population, which in turn often leads to them getting out of bed badly during the week. Prefering to sleep longer. If you ask "Owls" about their "productive" time, they usually specify later hours. Students with these OWL characteristics like to learn in the evening and tend to shift their sleep rhythm to the back.
The opponents to the "Owls" are the Lerchen ( English: larks). These so-called morning types like to get up early in the morning and usually feel quickly awake and fit. Their productive work phase is usually in the morning hours. Learning in the evening is rather less pleasant for these people. They prefer to go to bed early and find it hard to stay awake much longer and be active until late at night.
A pronounced evening expression as "Owl" can also become a burden. For example, if work requires getting up early and being focused and active in the morning. If you have such problems sleeping, have difficulty falling asleep or sleeping rough, or sleepiness during the daytime, please feel free to contact us:
Research on sleep? Join us!
If you are interested in checking if you are a "Owl" from OWL, you can do the following self-test:
By the way: Next year we will organize a sleep congress just in time for sleep day. This is mainly concerned with the sleep of children and adolescents. If you already have any wishes or ideas, please feel free to contact us.
On 04.02.2015 the poster prize "Das Goldene Schmerzpflaster" was awarded for the first time in the last session of the seminar "Pain let go - newer therapy studies in children and adolescents".
During the seminar, the creation and function of posters for the presentation of scientific content was discussed. Since the students were not able to conduct their own research during the semester, they prepared a therapy-study as part of their academic performance, in form of a poster..
In the poster session on 04.02., all participants had the chance to present their poster briefly. In the end, the plenary decided on the top three of the 25 posters on display. Ms. Thuy My Vo was able to take first place with her poster for "abdominal pain treatment with cognitive-behavioral methods". In a run-off, Andrea Ziemann and Verena Wittenberg took second place. Third place went to Vera Just, who will receive her prize after returning from her stay abroad in Bergen.
Mrs. Schlarb and the team of AE 7 congratulate her warmly.
The prize "Das Goldene Schmerzpflaster" will be awarded in future in further seminars of the AE07. We look forward to exciting discussions and interesting posters.
As a scientific society, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin e. V. (DGSM) deals with the research of sleep and its disorders as well as with the clinical diagnosis and therapy of sleep-wake disorders. The annual conference in 2014 was held under the motto "Sleep and Rhythm".