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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Fakultät für Soziologie

Methods of Empirical Social Research

The Research and Teaching Unit 'Methods of Empirical Social Research' is responsible for teaching the methods of empirical social research and statistics in the Faculty's degree programmes. It is divided into the working group "Qualitative Methods" and the working group "Quantitative Methods". Our range of courses is characterised not only by its very high quality, but also by its particular thematic breadth and diversity compared to other universities. For this reason, the Faculty of Sociology is also particularly interesting for those who are interested in the subject area of empirical social research. In research, the department has a diverse range of topics. In addition to basic research on statistical and methodological questions, further research focuses lie in the area of criminology and political sociology, as well as in the study of interactions in everyday, institutionalised and media contexts.

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