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  • Neurocognition and ­Action - Biomechanics

    © Universität Bielefeld

PhD Program

The "Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics" group is involved in a faculty overarching PhD program called "Intelligent Systems" (ISY). The interdisciplinary doctoral degree program provides the foundation for advanced academic and scientific training at the CITEC Graduate School. A wide range of courses allows students to expand their knowledge and skills in many different academic disciplines. An integral component of the program is researching and writing the doctoral dissertation.

The CITEC Graduate School is a central part of the Cluster of Excellence. Doctoral researchers who are financed by fundings of the Cluster of Excellence are automatically members of the Graduate School. Other doctoral researchers at CITEC can become member upon application. Being part of the Graduate School makes it easy for students to network and exchange ideas with other doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. The Graduate School also provides activities students can participate in such as summer schools, colloquia, retreats and courses on key competences as well as German courses for international doctoral researchers and mentoring programs for female doctoral researchers.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schack is Head of the Graduate School and Dr. Dirk Koester is member of the Graduate School Board as well.

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