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Information on studying abroad

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Dr. John Elvis Hagan Jr.

+49 521 106-5155
Telephone secretary
+49 521 106-6991
UHG N3-128

Sina Gerten (substitute)


Telephone: +49 521 106-2014

Telephone secretary: +49 521 106-6991

Fax: +49 521 106-6432

Room: UHG F0-146

Welcome to the Study Abroad information page of the Department of Sports Science. In the different sections, you will find information about a stay abroad for students as well as lecturers.

Information events

Information events are held regularly. To prepare yourself, please read the information on the homepage. In addition, please register by email with the ERASMUS coordinator. The deadline for applications starts on 1 November and ends on 31 January each year.


Click here to view the degree programs offered by the Department of Sports Science.

Extracurricular Studies:
Workspace II: Neurocognition and Action- Biomechanics Research Group
Workspace III: Sport and Society

German B1


Application Procedure 

Please submit your application with the following application materials:

  • General Cover Letter (please note your freshman, sophomore, and junior preference here, if applicable. Please also indicate if you are applying for a semester abroad through another faculty).
  • Informative curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Letter of motivation ( German and English ; 1-2 pages; mainly related to your first choice)
  • What interests you about the courses offered at your exchange university?
  • Why did you choose the country/city/university of your choice?
  • Why did you decide to study abroad?
  • What relation does the study abroad program at the chosen university have on your previous/planned course of study at Bielefeld University?
  • Printout Transcript (PDF)

Note: Declaration (no proof) of sufficient language skills for the ERASMUS+ study (consultation with the supervisor). For English, this is not necessary (but may be requested by the university abroad).

The application deadline for the following academic year is January 31.

Please send applications in digital form only (in a PDF) via email to Dr. John Elvis Hagan Jr..


Selection Criteria:

Academic Qualifications

Meaningful letter of motivation

Knowledge of the host country/preparation for the stay abroad

Sufficient language skills in consultation with the ERASMUS+ Officer.


Forms for already nominated (ERASMUS) students

The Learning Agreement must be coordinated with the ERASMUS Coordinator of Sports Science before the stay abroad. In addition, the Learning Agreement must be signed by the responsible recognition officer. Please, use the respective office hours for this purpose. Please fill out the form for the Learning Agreement exclusively on the PC.

Learning Agreement

Please follow these instructions when completing the Learning Agreement.

The recognition of your achievements abroad after your stay will be done according to the procedure described here.

For more information about the ERASMUS+ program, please contact the International Office.

Depending on interests and focus of study, different fields of work and organizations can be considered: International organizations or companies, German organizations or companies based abroad, foreign organizations/companies that have relations with Germany, etc.

It is advisable to allow sufficient planning and lead time. The organization of a stay abroad requires the consideration of various aspects. To ensure that all formalities are settled before departure, planning should begin at least 6 months before the start of the internship. As a general rule, the earlier the better.

It is helpful to have a basic knowledge of the language and culture of the respective country by the time of departure.

The following contact persons can support you in your search for an internship:

Dr. Stefan Pfaff is responsible for the recognition of and advice on mandatory internships (in Germany and abroad) fort he Department of Sports science.



  1. Contact the potential internship site and inquire about the required application documents.
  2. Internet research or literature on country-specific requirements/peculiarities of an application.

Visa/Work Permit

If necessary, it is advisable to contact the German Foreign Office and inquire about the regulations regarding a work permit or visa. It should be emphasized that this is an internship (the regulations change frequently and vary depending on the country).


Health insurance/accident insurance

  1. Clarify with your own insurance company whether there is a social security agreement with the country of entry and which benefits it includes (mostly: EU countries).
  2. Check with your own health insurance company on what has to be considered abroad
  3. Possibly take out additional insurance (usually recommended).



  1. Look for a dormitory or host family, use personal contacts
  2. Advertise for apartments in newspapers and on the Internet
  3. Ask your future internship location about housing options Study guide from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  4. Otherwise: arrive early and search locally

There is also the possibility to apply as a so-called "Free Mover" at a university of your choice. This is possible if there is no bilateral ERASMUS+ agreement between the universities (i.e., if your favorite university is not a cooperating university of Bielefeld University). For more information about "Free Mover" please visit the homepage of the International Office.

In addition to ERASMUS+ and, Free Mover and Internship, there are other alternatives to realize a study period abroad. It is possible to apply individually to a university abroad.

Information on how to apply independently to a university abroad can be obtained from the International Office. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) also publishes country study guides that provide assistance with individual applications. These are available in bookstores or can be borrowed from the library and the International Office.

In addition, the DAAD is currently promoting study-related stays abroad to high school and university students with its campaign "studieren weltweit - ERLEBE ES!" ("study worldwide - EXPERIENCE IT!").

Additionally, you can apply for a scholarship at an intermediary organization. Here you can also get information from the International Office.


Voluntary service in sports

Live and work for a year in an African country, immerse yourself in a new culture and share your passion for sports. In the mornings you can support physical education at an elementary school and also promote your own project ideas in the afternoons.

This is what ASC Göttingen von 1846 e.V. has been offering as a volunteer service through the weltwärts program since 2008. With more than 10,000 members, the association is the largest in Lower Saxony and already has a lot of experience with sending volunteers.


Basic requirements:

  1. Between 18 and 28 years
  2. Completed school education
  3. German Citizenship or permanent residence
  4. Title of residence
  5. Interest in other cultures
  6. Enthusiasm for sports

Note: The year abroad starts in August. The application deadline is December 31 of the previous year. All information about the application process can be found here.

Ms. Annabelle Brand studies Physical Education and English in Bielefeld and is one of the correspondents who regularly report on their stays abroad as part of "study worldwide - EXPERIENCE IT!" She is currently doing an internship as a German teacher at a school in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and reports about it on her profile page. Ms. Brand is thus part of the worldwide Correspondents Network created by the DAAD.


Business and Society (B.A.)

Dr. Steffen Bahlke
Prof. Dr. Christian Deutscher

Organizational Development and Management (M.A.)

Laura Schreiner (Beratung)
Prof. Dr. Christian Deutscher

Psychology and Movement (B.A.)

Dr. Dietmar Pollmann

Intelligence and Movement (M.Sc.)

Dr. Dietmar Pollmann

Teacher Training Elementary School, HRSGe, Gymnasium/Gesamtschule (B.A. / M.A. Edu.)

Dr. Natalia Fast


The link to the recognition forms of all faculties can be found here.

A stay abroad can also be exciting for students in the teaching professions. The Bielefeld School of Education (BiSEd) organises opportunities for teaching-specific study phases as well as the various options for internships and practical semesters with preparatory training abroad and the associated support programmes, projects and events with an international focus.

Further information

Staff Mobility

The ERASMUS+ program enables you as a professor or staff member of one of our ERASMUS+ cooperation universities to complete a teaching stay at the Institute of Sports Science at Bielefeld University.


Please provide the ERASMUS coordinator with a concrete proposal of the topic you would like to teach at Bielefeld University.

Please also attach the following documents:

  1. meaningful curriculum vitae (incl. academic career and previous teaching experience)
  2. Abstract of the proposed teaching content

Application Deadlines:

  1. June 1 for the upcoming winter semester (Oct-March).
  2. December 1 for the upcoming summer semester (Apr-Sept)

The ERASMUS+ program enables you as a professor or staff member of the Institute of Sports Science at Bielefeld University to spend a teaching period at one of our ERASMUS+ cooperation universities.


If you want to go to one of our cooperating universities for a teaching stay, you will find a schedule for the organization of this stay here.

Cooperation universities (Erasmus+):

University: Egyetem, Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Kar (HUN)

Faculty: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Language: Hungarian B2 or English B2

Places: 2

Course of studies: BA, MA

University: Università di Bologna (IT) Campus Rimini

Faculty: School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Motor/Sport Science

Places: 2

Language: Italian B1

Course of studies: BA, MA

University: University of Isabel, Spain

Faculty: Sports Science

International Relations Coordinator: Dr. Alicia Herraiz

Erasmus Coordinator: Anna Julia Munch


Phone: ( +34 ) 947 671 731


Universidad Isabel I,
C/ Fernan,
Gonzalez 76,
09003, Burgos

Other cooperation universities:

University: University of Matanzas
Fakulty: Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences
Language: Spanish

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