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© Universität Bielefeld

Baby changing, breastfeeding and quiet rooms at Bielefeld University

The following rooms have been set up in the main university building (UHG) and in buildings X and Z for breastfeeding or expectant mothers and supervising fathers. They are freely accessible and can be locked from the inside, except for the parent-child rooms in the university library.

Changing, breastfeeding and quiet room

  • D4 - 111

Nappy changing and breastfeeding rooms

  • D0 - 130
  • U3 - 154
  • X-E0-108
  • X-E1-113
  • X-F1-219 (university library)

Parent-child room

  • E1-137 (university library)
  • V1-207 (university library)
  • X-F1-227 (university library)

The parent-child rooms in the university library cannot be locked from the inside. They can be used Mon - Fri from 8 am - 6 pm by students of Bielefeld University after a reservation has been made. After 6 p.m. and at weekends, no reservation is necessary or possible.

Baby changing facilities

  • T0 - 157
  • T0 - 151
  • Z0 - 201
  • Z1 - 201
  • Z2 - 201
  • Z3 - 201

Rest and breastfeeding room

  • Z1 - 120

As a precautionary measure, users should inform a trusted person of their absence before visiting a cubicle. Furthermore, it should be agreed in the working area that an authorised person will enquire about the employee's whereabouts or well-being at the end of the working day.

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