The programme ‘A Good Start’ for newly appointed professors is designed to provide you with the best possible support at the start of your new job and to help you with the varied and, at times, challenging demands that await you at the University, in addition to your faculty’s engagement.
At the beginning of each semester in spring and autumn, we offer a series of events for you as a newly appointed professors. As well as helping you to familiarise yourself with the University’s organisational structure, the programme focuses on networking opportunities, and getting to know contact persons in relevant institutions/departments.
The programme starts with a ceremonial kick-off hosted by the University management. Subsequently, ten thematic modules will take place, which deal with the central fields of action "Examination Law and Teaching Organization", "Equality, Personnel Development| Internationalisation", "Research", "Public Relations | Human Resources", "Academic Self-Administration | Finance and Purchasing", "Teaching", "Management and Personnel Management | Health | Diversity" as well as "Structural Issues of Financing and the Development of the University". The programme concludes with a lunch for all participants at Nordlicht. Here you will have the opportunity to address any wishes and suggestions to the Rector and your faculty Dean.
Before the themed modules begin, the academic staff development team will invite you to a oone-to-one Inplacement conversation. The aim of this meeting is to reflect upon the process of arrival at your new position, establish contacts, to identify and solve present needs as well as gather feedback on practical issues, all of which can be incorporated into the series of modules to come.
In addition, we can offer individual coaching to support you during this very important initial phase in the new workplace. Please contact us if this is of interest to you.
On this page you will find the download area where you can download all presentations of the new appointment program "Arrive well". Prior registration is required. To do this, use your BITS user ID.
Here you will find an overview of persons to contact on various topics.