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Vice-rector for Research and Research Networking

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														Prof. Dr. Christiane Fuchs

Prof. Dr. Christiane Fuchs

Vice-rector for Research and Research Networking

+49 521 106-4071
UHG U7-216

Strategy and Aims

Excellence in research and outstanding teaching are the cornerstones of every great university. At the centre of the “Bielefeld Way” is therefore an effort to determine our institution’s strengths, and underpin these with targeted communication and networking strategies.

Research priorities are established via participatory processes across a variety of forums. Collaborative projects are developed within university-wide competitions into longer-term Profile Areas that span multiple faculties. These activities, in turn, shape the image of the university as a research institution. Medium-term Focus Areas serve to systematically expand promising focal points of excellent research and to further develop their contents. Exploration Areas promote new ideas for interesting research in the short-term, thus facilitating dynamic competition over the best and most suitable fields of research. Regardless of the format, the research is characterised by innovation, originality and risk, but also by the development prospects at the university.

Interdisciplinary research is something that is truly put into practice at Bielefeld University. In the coming years, particular attention will be paid to integrating the newly founded Medical School OWL into existing and new collaborative projects, as well as expanding national and international research networks with both universities and non-university research institutions. The central guiding principles are conducting research on topics of social relevance and adhering to as well as continuously strengthening good research practice.


Christiane Fuchs stands at the side of the Y building, her shoulder leaning against it. She looks to the left. The main university building of Bielefeld University can be seen in the background.

Christiane Fuchs is the Head of the Data Science Group at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Bielefeld University as well as Head of the Biostatistics Research Group and the Core Facility Statistical Consulting at Helmholtz Munich.

She completed an M.Sc. in Computational Mathematics at Brunel University in West London in 2003 and a Diploma in Mathematics with Computer Science at the University Hannover in 2005. She then started her research career studying topics in Bayesian inference, obtaining a Ph.D. in Statistics from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2010. In 2011, she began working at Helmholtz Munich, first as a research fellow doing work on biological modelling at the Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, and then as a team and group leader of biostatistics at the Institute of Computational Biology. In 2017, she founded the Core Facility Statistical Consulting at Helmholtz Munich, a centre providing teaching and statistical consulting for research institutes, universities, and industry partners. In 2018, she joined Bielefeld University as a Professor of Data Science.

In her work, Christiane Fuchs conducts both method-driven and application-driven research, dealing with diverse interdisciplinary topics, ranging from economics and mathematical epidemiology to medicine. She is or has been principal investigator in several national and international research projects, including projects funded by the German Research Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), the Federal Ministry of Health (Germany), the National Institutes of Health (USA), the European Union and the Helmholtz Association.

Christiane Fuchs has been Vice-rector for Research and Research Networking at Bielefeld University since October 2023.


Lena Gumpert

														Lena Gumpert

Advisor to the Vice-Rector for Research and Research Networking

+49 521 106-2664
UHG U8-103

Janina Kaspar

														Janina Kaspar

Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Research and Research Networking

+49 521 106-87959
UHG U7-128
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