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Academic Awards

Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University
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														Dr. Alice Merca

Dr. Alice Merca

EU-Referentin Schwerpunkt ERC

+49 521 106-3964

The academic awards are intended to recognise exceptional researchers from all areas of the scientific community for their research that contributes to scientific progress. The Rectorate of Bielefeld University welcomes nominations and applications from researchers at any stage of their career. On our homepage you will find an overview of the academic awards for which we are happy to support you in the nomination process. (no claim to completeness)

There are a large number of scientific awards, some for specific subjects or disciplines or with a focus on specific target groups.

  • Humanities and social sciences (page in progress)
  • Life sciences and medicine (page in progress)
  • Natural and technical sciences (page in progress)
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