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  • Fortbildungen für Forschende und Lehrende

    © Universität Bielefeld


The Solution-Focused Classroom: Techniques for Collaborative Teaching

Katharina Pietsch | 31. March 2022 | 09:00 h (s.t.) - 17:00 h |

This workshop introduces lecturers to Solution Focused approaches to and techniques for teaching. Solution Focused Practice (SFP) is a mindset and interaction model that focuses on strengths and resources instead of on problems, deficiencies or the lack of competencies.

As Solution Focused Practice treats others as experts of their lives, goals and needs, it offers a wealth of methods for a kind of teaching that takes students seriously as experts on their own learning. By working with students in a resource-oriented way that explores successes instead of failures, you will foster their agency and sense of self-efficacy. Treating students as competent learners will make your teaching more collaborative (and it might improve your own motivation and self-efficacy along the way).

In this 8-hour workshop you will:

  • be introduced to the premises and mindset of Solution Focused Practice
  • learn how you can use this to build more collaborative learning environments
  • learn about and practice specific techniques
  • discuss Solution Focused ways of designing your classes, communicating with students and supporting them in their academic work that fit with your teaching

The workshop will be held in English. The workshop material will be made available in English and German, and I will try to arrange group work in a way so that participants can practice in their preferred language.



Katharina Pietsch teaches workshops on solution-focused, resource-oriented and collaborative teaching formats for university lecturers. On unconditional-teaching.com she publishes critical essays and a podcast on alternative teaching–learning relationships. She is also trained as a Solution Focused practitioner and coach.


Registration by 15. March 2022.



Dieses Angebot richtet sich an Lehrende der Universität Bielefeld und an Teilnehmende des Qualifizierungsprogamms "Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule".

Diese Veranstaltung wird im Zertifikat "Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule" mit 8 AE für das Erweiterungsmodul (II) im Themenfeld Lehren und Lernen (1) angerechnet.

Diese Veranstaltung wird im Bielefelder Zertifikat für Hochschullehre mit 8 AE für das Methodenmodul Themenfeld A (Didaktische Methoden) angerechnet.


Contact & Registration

Anke Schayen

+49 (0)521 / 106-3367


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