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  • Fortbildungen für Forschende und Lehrende

    © Universität Bielefeld


Giving appreciative feedback on student writing

Tyll Zybura | 9th December 2022 | 09:00 h (s.t.) - 13:00 h | Room: X-E1-107

Research in writing didactics shows that feedback on academic student writing is largely useless if it cannot be used for immediate revision. Students often have to bear the grading process with fatalism or fear (both of which are toxic for learning), and explanatory feedback on their done-and-dusted texts is not effectively used to improve future writing.

In this workshop, participants will learn to use strategies to make their feedback more effective and to help students experience more self-efficacy and less anxiety in their academic writing process.

This strategy includes:

  • An appreciative peer review rhetoric that treats student writing as a contribution to scholarly discourse (rather than as an object of evaluation).
  • A process of supervision in which feedback is given on texts at the draft stage and can then be used for meaningful revision before final evaluation.
  • An effective time management approach to reading student texts and writing one’s own feedback.

For this workshop, I ask participants to bring a (not too long) student paper that they are currently supervising or have supervised in the past. (If this is not possible, please notify me and I will bring anonymized student work.) After an initial input phase, we will practice feedback strategies on these texts in a pre-structured format and then reflect on and discuss the exercise together.


Workshop trainer:

Tyll Zybura works as a speaker and author for Unconditional-Teaching.com, a project for the promotion of relationship-rich practices in higher education. He teaches seminars in education science and cultural studies, and he practices as a solution-focused coach.


Registration by 24. November 2022.



Dieses Angebot richtet sich an Lehrende der Universität Bielefeld und an Teilnehmende des Qualifizierungsprogamms "Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule".

Diese Veranstaltung wird im Zertifikat "Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule" mit 4 AE für das Erweiterungsmodul (II) im Themenfeld Prüfen und bewerten (2) oder Themenfeld Feedback und Evaluation (4) angerechnet.



Contact & Registration

Anke Schayen

+49 (0)521 / 106-3367


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