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Central Academic Institutes

© Universität Bielefeld

Central Academic Institutes

Many of the complex phenomena of our time can no longer be adequately understood solely through the lens of one discipline. Because of this, the Central Academic Institutes approach research topics in an interdisciplinary manner. Each of the institutes pool knowledge and resources from different faculties and embrace innovative research initiatives. In addition, the institutes each work within a network of national and international partner institutions. Their members share research findings with actors in academia, politics, civil society and business. Each institute supports young researchers through different programmes.

© Universität Bielefeld

Other academic departments:

  • Frau schreibt an Whiteboard
    © Thought Catalog/

    Bielefeld School of Education (BiSEd)

    Responsible for innovative, research-oriented teacher education, working together with the relevant faculties.

  • Luftaufnahme des Zentrums für interdisziplinäre Forschung
    © Universität Bielefeld/V. Mette

    Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF)

    As Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study, the ZiF fosters outstanding and innovative research projects. It welcomes researchers from all countries and disciplines.

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