Bielefelder Lehrer*innenbildung
Bachelor's theses must be written in the major subject of Physical Education, Master's theses can be written in the subject of Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht"). The theses are registered with the examination office of the Faculty to which your first examiner belongs. Please take into account the modalities of the respective Faculty.
The thesis is handed out and supervised by one staff, people and evaluated by this and another person (first and second examiner). The staff, people must be authorized to examine according to the regulations of the University Law. As a rule, the thesis is handed out by a teaching staff, instructors, lectures with whom you have taken at least one course in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht"), i.e. who comes from one of the faculties involved in Sachunterricht (Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology - Department of History, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Sociology). You choose the second examiner in consultation with your first examiner and obtain his/her consent afterwards.
In the respective module description, you will find information specific to the Bachelor 's thesis and the Master's thesis. General information on theses can be found in the Examination regulations.
If you are studying Sachunterricht as a subject within the study program Primary School with Integrated Special and Inclusive Education, your Bachelor 's thesis is assigned to the Major Subject (Educational Sciences - Integrated Special and Inclusive Education). In your Bachelor's thesis, you must address an issue relevant to inclusive education. However, this can be done with a factual didactic concretization. The thesis must be registered in the examination office of the Faculty of Educational Science. Many teachers of Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") are also eligible to take examinations; an overview can be found at the examination office of the Faculty of Educational Science (Download: "BiWi ISP - Bachelor/Master List of Reviewers from other Faculties"). The first examiner (or second examiner, if necessary) of the thesis must confirm on the registration form that the thesis deals with an issue relevant to inclusive education.
You do not have to write your Master 's thesis in the version of degree programme "Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht")"; you can write in any of your study programme variants, i.e. also in Sachunterricht, or interdisciplinary.
The thesis can be recognized for the further Master course "Educational ScienceIntegrated Special Education with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education" if it addresses one of the two special education subjects Learning or Emotional and Social Development that are relevant in the context of the special education Master course (in the sense of a narrow concept of inclusion). This can also be done from a subject didactic perspective. According to the module description, the Master's thesis includes the written examination of a scientific question that considers problems of learning and/or behavior from an educational science or subject didactic perspective.
A corresponding handout can be found at the examination office of the Faculty of Educational Science (Download: "Handreichung für den Studiengang Master of Education EW ISP").
The registration of the Master's thesis is possible at any examination office responsible for you. The decisive factor is the faculty affiliation of your first examiner. The certification that the Master's thesis involves the written examination of a scientific question that considers problems of learning and/or behavior from an Educational Science or subject didactic perspective must be made by a staff, people authorized to examine in the Faculty of Educational Science. This is usually the teaching staff of the Faculty of Educational Science, as well as teaching staff, instructors, lectures from other faculties. An overview of the latter can be found at the examination office of the Faculty of Educational Science (Download: "BiWi ISP - Bachelor/Master List of Reviewers from other Faculties").
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The teaching staff, instructors, lectures of the working area History Didactics are at your disposal for the supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht"). Different theoretical concepts (competencies, historical consciousness, inclusion, ...) of (early) historical learning can be possible topics as well as, for example, media or places in which an approach to the past is reflected (historical culture). We deliberately do not want to offer you a list of ready-made topics. Rather, we look forward to working with you to develop a topic for your thesis based on your interests and to accompany you on your projects. Nevertheless, you are welcome to draw inspiration from the topics on which Bachelor 's and Master's theses have been written in our working area in recent years.
Faculty of Biology
Analysis of cognitive activation in interdisciplinary lessons using an observation sheet based on the example of the teaching projects "Learning through movement", "Epigenetics" and "Stretching"
Extracurricular learning location Wadden Sea: a series of lessons and an excursion for the primary level
Education for sustainable development in extracurricular learning
Pupils' ideas on the topic of healthy eating
Planning and testing the feasibility of an experimental lesson based on the PLuS didactic reconstruction model using the example of a lesson for a third grade class on the topic of animals in the zoo
Construction of a creativity test as a component of subject-specific aptitude in the natural sciences
Does it make sense to integrate forest education into primary school lessons?
Differences between the current and an ideal inclusive school system - lessons from the pandemic in terms of inclusion and digitalisation
The potential of inquiry-based learning as a planning framework for language-sensitive teaching and as a motivational teaching concept using the example of a series of lessons on the topic of early bloomers designed for Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht")
Consideration of sex education lessons in primary school - a theory-based examination of two practical examples
The forest as an extracurricular place of learning - draft of a teaching unit on the topic of "Trees of the local forest"
To what extent do primary school children experience nature through natural places of learning - survey based on learning diaries
A teaching unit on the topic of the European white-tailed eagle in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") at primary school with an integrated visit to the Berlebeck Eagle Sanctuary, an extracurricular place of learning close to home, and an accompanying research booklet
Use of dialogue strategies in communication between teachers and pupils to support meaning-making practices
Use of digital media in science lessons as an approach to dealing with the challenges of heterogeneous learning groups
Qualitative validation of a scientific typology for the categorisation of children in elementary education
Faculty of Biology / Didactics of Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") / Natural Sciences, specialising in science education
Investigation of the professionalisation of prospective teachers in the planning of a model-based investigation
Use of conversational strategies in communication between teachers and pupils to support meaning-making practices
Faculty of Chemistry:
Modelling competence as part of inclusive science teaching - Qualitative evaluation of the pre- and post-survey of an empirical intervention study with student teachers of Chemistry and Special Education
The development of two functional models on the topic of substance separation in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") - Conceptual work to enable explanatory, descriptive approval for understanding chemistry
The use of simulations and movement games in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") to illustrate the particle level. A comparison of the contribution of simulations and movement games to the understanding of the aggregate states of water at the particle level and the influence on the affective experience of learners
Adaptive planning skills for inclusive chemistry lessons
How can the two chemistry experiments How activated charcoal can be used for cleaning and A natural stain remover be optimised experimentally and didactically?
Prevention of nutrition-related diseases of civilisation - illustrated by the concept of a wholefood diet rich in vital substances according to Dr. M. O. Bruker - Scientific impulses for Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") / Natural Sciences
Adaptive planning skills in inclusive chemistry lessons - Assessment of experiment- and model-related adaptive planning skills for inclusive chemistry lessons
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology:
Stalag 326 in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") - The revision of a source case from the memorial for Soviet prisoners of war in a way suitable for primary schools and its use in a fourth-grade classroom
The museum as an extracurricular place of learning - An analysis of the educational programmes offered by the Minden Museum with regard to promoting historical learning in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht")
Opportunities and problems in acquiring skills when visiting the LWL Museum of Archaeology Herne as an extracurricular place of learning
Memories as a living source of history - interviews with contemporary witnesses as a method of historical learning
Historical museums and the trend towards digitalisation - opportunities, limits and challenges for Lehren und Lernen [Centre for teaching and learning] in the historical perspective of Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht"))
The potential of extracurricular learning centres for early historical learning using the example of the Detmold Open-Air Museum
Promoting historical methodological skills through a visit to the Lippisches Landesmuseum Detmold as a place of learning using the example of the topic "Playing in the 19th century
Promoting historical awareness and methodological skills in primary school children through a visit to the museum. An analysis of the hands-on programmes in the LVR's Xanten Archaeological Park
Promoting historical competences in primary schools through learning workshops? A comparative analysis of two publishing products on the topic of "Knights and Castles"
Faculty of Physics:
Physics of the body in Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") - Conceptualisation of physical experiments using the example of the human body
Development of a teaching unit for inclusive Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") on the topic of "Properties and behaviour of water", taking into account children with German as a Second Language
A physical teaching unit with a historical perspective on the parachute
Faculty of Sociology:
Pupils' perceptions of primary school children on the topic of "war"
What do children know about the political democratic system in Germany? Secondary analysis of empirical studies
Un-/Doing Gender in Game of Thrones? Exemplary media analysis of gender/power relations based on the character "Daenerys Targaryen"
Faculty of Biology:
Faculty of Biology / Didactics of Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") / Natural Sciences
Faculty of Chemistry:
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology:
Faculty of Physics:
Faculty of Sociology:
Faculty of Biology:
Faculty of Biology / Didactics of Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") / Natural Sciences
Faculty of Chemistry:
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology:
Faculty of Physics:
Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Chemistry:
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology:
Faculty of Physics:
Faculty of Sociology:
Faculty of Biology:
Faculty of Chemistry:
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology:
Faculty of Physics:
Faculty of Sociology: