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  • Training

    © Universität Bielefeld

Training of the ESR

The ETN will provide young researchers a unique portfolio of multidisciplinary competences, cutting-edge proficiencies and transferable soft skills, strongly related to the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training outlined by the European Commission to push the boundaries of frontier research within the EU. The ESRs will be involved in all stages of drug development, ranging from Synthetic Chemistry over Medicinal Chemistry to Tumor Biology and Assay Development in a highly cross-linked, inter-sectoral research network between academia and industry. This network warrants cutting-edge interdisciplinary education, supplemented by a well-balanced and tailor-made training in transferable soft skills, directly focussed on the demands and needs of each individual researcher.

The close cooperation between 9 university groups, 2 public research institutes, and 7 industrial groups (4 beneficiaries, 3 partners) will enable young researchers to get deep insights into the research and development procedures in both sectors and also to get into contact with potential future employers.

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