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  • Bielefeld School of Public Health

    © Universität Bielefeld

Office of the Dean, Administration and Service Centers

Faculty Administration

Eleonora Wagner (head of administration)

Dr. Ines Vitic (Deanery Officer)

Olga Rempel (Deanery Secretary)

Tobias Taubert (Assistant for Budget)

Beatrice Möbius (assistant for third-party funds)

Matthias Anwander (IT supervisor)

Jörg Riedel (DISK Representative)

Study program directors

Prof. 'in Dr. Doreen Reifegerste (Head of BHC program)

Prof.'in Dr. Kerstin Hämel (Head of MPH program)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Gerlinger (Director of Studies Dr.PH)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Greiner (Director of the FAG and MHA programs)

Study and Teaching Team:

Dr. Kerstin Schlingmann (teaching consultant and QM representative)

Anna Groß-Bölting (literary competences)

Thomas Schafft (Internship Representative)

Dr. Marina Böddeker (career orientation and competence logbook)

Lena Schumann (Academic Counselling Service)

Carmen Herrmann (Assistant in the examination office)

Sabrina Plaß (Assistant in the examination office)

Matthias Anwander (electronic course catalogue (ekvv) representative)

Distance Learning Office:

Dr. Sigrid Matzick (Managing Director FAG and MHA)

Carola Schnelten (FAG Secretary)

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