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Bielefeld School of Public Health

Data and information protection coordination

Uni Hall
© Bielefeld University

Data protection and information security coordination (DISK)

As Data Protection and Information Coordinator (Disk), I support the responsible data-processing bodies of the Faculty in implementing the data protection obligations (among others) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). These obligations protect the rights of data subjects and are intended to ensure that every person can basically decide for themselves what happens to their personal data. Furthermore, their implementation protects the body responsible for the respective data processing at Bielefeld University from possible legal consequences.

Obligations under the GDPR only exist when personal data are involved. This is the case if the data can be attributed, directly or indirectly, to a natural person. Therefore, it is always necessary to first determine whether a reference to a person exists or can be established, or whether such a reference must exist at all in order to achieve the purpose of the project.

Early integration of my advice and support in meeting the data protection requirements, especially in research projects, is desirable. This not only helps to avoid unnecessary delays in the implementation of projects. Efforts can also be made early enough to ensure that, for example, data protection and consent declarations are prepared in compliance with the GDPR. In addition, data related to health is often processed at the Faculty. As this is data with a special need for protection, special protective measures are required. Here, too, early advice can be helpful. If possible, those responsible for a project should therefore point out my advisory role early enough.

My tasks are described in more detail under the menu item "Tasks".

The menu item "Notes/Links" provides more detailed information on the obligations under data protection law (including a link to the university's data protection office) as well as tools for fulfilling them. Various sample documents are listed there, e.g. for the registers of processing activities and the declarations of consent. There is also a study planning aid for researchers.

The DISK of the Faculty of Public Health Jörg Riedel

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