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  • Study medicine

    Medical model of a torso with a person in surgical clothing standing next to it. The staff, people are holding the heart removed from the model.

The model degree programme in medicine

Structure and procedure of the degree programme

The model degree programme in Medicine started for the first time in the winter semester 2021/22 at Bielefeld University. It offers students sound preparation for the complex requirements of medical practice. In addition, it allows students to focus on their interests and future-oriented topics such as collaboration with other professional groups as well as outpatient and digital medicine.

The model degree programme in medicine is divided into a first study phase of six and a second study phase of four subject-related semesters. The practical year (PJ) follows as the third study phase at the end of the degree programme. The degree programme is regularly completed with the state exam(ination) in accordance with the Medical Licensing Regulations.

Further information can be found in the Medicine programme flyer.

Studierende zeigt Kommilitonen am Modell Organe.

Modules in the degree programme

Within the first two study sections, the curriculum follows eleven interdisciplinary organ-system and topic-centred learning units:

  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Circulation and respiration
  • Metabolism and digestion
  • Urogenital system
  • Blood and immune system
  • Brain, nerves and psyche
  • Sensory organs
  • Regulation
  • Beginning of life
  • Lifeworlds and health
  • End of life

All eleven course units occur in the first and second semesters. In addition, an introduction to studying medicine precedes the other modules in the first semester.

Parallel to the eleven course units, there are three further training strands that extend over several or all semesters:

The modules of Clinical Thinking and Action (KDH)the modules of Scientific Thinking and Action (WDH) and the profile areas.

Study Medicine

Study programme

Frequently asked questions and answers about the Medicine model degree programme

In the model degree programme, basic science and clinical training components are interlinked from the first semester onwards. This makes it easier to consolidate what has been learnt and patient-oriented care can be placed at the centre of learning at an early stage. In the skills lab, a special simulation environment, students can practise medical activities under controlled conditions.

The degree programme also focuses on collaboration with other professional groups, diversity and gender aspects and digital medicine - because they will shape the everyday work of the future generation of doctors.

Another special feature is the unusually extensive freedom of choice for a medical degree programme - around ten percent of the curriculum is dedicated to the profile areas that students choose. Initially, this means specialising in one of five medicine-related subject areas. In the second stage of their studies, students choose one of eleven clinical specialisations.

Students also have the opportunity to obtain a "Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences" as part of the model degree programme.

The model degree programme in medicine is divided into a first study phase of six and a second study phase of four subject-related semesters. The practical year (PJ) follows as the third study phase at the end of the degree programme.

Outpatient medicine, in particular general medicine, is accorded significant importance in the model degree programme in medicine at Bielefeld University. General medical content of teaching is continuously anchored in the curriculum and the outpatient care perspective is integrated. In addition, there are extensive practical assignments in general practice. Students complete internships of at least eight weeks and accompany chronically ill patients continuously over several years.

No, the medical degree programme in Bielefeld is a fully-fledged medical degree programme. After successfully completing their studies, graduates can apply for their licence to practise medicine and work as a doctor. They can also start any specialist medical training programme. However, the focus on general medicine is intended to give students the opportunity to familiarise themselves extensively with the outpatient and inpatient sectors and the associated prospects. This enables them to make an informed decision when choosing a career.

The model degree programme in Medicine started for the first time in the winter semester 2021/22. A decisive prerequisite for an admission procedure in the higher subject-related semester is that a student exmatriculates and a place becomes available.

When transferring to Bielefeld University, the differences between the standard and model degree programmes must be taken into account. The Medical School OWL offers the model degree programme, which differs greatly from standard degree programmes. Among other things, there is no separation into pre-clinical and clinical study sections. Instead, clinical study content is already started in the first semester. This can make it much more difficult to have courses recognised and to design an individual timetable.

The deadlines for applying for credit recognition and the application periods can be found here.

If you have any further questions regarding the recognition of credits and application to a higher subject-related semester, please contact the Medical Examination Office.

The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences offers medical students an additional scientific qualification. Students choose one of five medicine-related specialisations. There is a choice of natural science, technical, social science and humanities profiles.

The Bachelor's degree programme is a first professional qualification that enables students to pursue a wide range of non-medical appointments in the healthcare sector (for example in higher federal authorities, associations and healthcare institutions). This can be followed by various Master's degree programmes, such as Interdisciplinary Biomedicine, Public Health or Nursing Sciences.

The standard period of study is six years and three months including examination periods (12.5 semesters). The degree programme is designed as a full-time course and regularly ends with the state exam(ination).

Unlike most other degree programmes, you do not put together your own timetable for medical studies. Instead, you receive the timetable from the Faculty.

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