The Habilitation Office as part of the Research and Career Development Department is the first point of contact for questions regarding the habilitation regulations and the habilitation procedure.
For optimal support in your habilitation procedure and the provision of the necessary documents, we recommend that you contact us at an early stage via our functional address.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can assist you.
The habilitation committee decides whether the habilitation requirements have been met, informs the applicant of any missing requirements and shows ways to fulfil the requirements.
All applicants are therefore required to contact the chair of the habilitation committee as early as possible before the start date of the post-doctoral habilitation.
The Habilitation Office supports the Habilitation Committee in its tasks, prepares the committee meetings and supports the habilitation process.
The Faculty Conference of the Medical School OWL has decided on the criteria for the recognition of teaching achievements in connection with the adoption of the post-doctoral habilitation regulations of the Medical School OWL.
The criteria are set out in this information sheet for staff, people interested in post-doctoral habilitation. Please use this form to list your teaching achievements. The Habilitation Committee is responsible for deciding on recognition.
The team at the Habilitation Office will be happy to answer any questions you may have in connection with the recognition of teaching achievements.
As a prerequisite for post-doctoral habilitation, you must provide proof of participation in a training programme on good scientific practice and a didactic training course. Here you can find information for the courses offered by our Faculty:
Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice is an elementary - if not the most important - basis for conducting research. Therefore, all researchers are obliged to follow the principles of good scientific work. The basis for this is the DFG Code of Conduct.
For researchers working on their projects, there are many points of contact with this topic, e.g. with regard to the following issues Documentation, critical examination of one's own work and plagiarism.
What is "good scientific practice" all about?
How does it affect me in the context of my academic work?
What obligations and rights do I have?
What are the benefits of considering the topic for my work?
How do I avoid unnecessary additional burdens?
How do I prevent problems?
How do I deal with problems?
The workshop deals with the topic using frontal and interactive methods and is conducted online using a combination of Slack and Zoom.
Registration is only possible by sending an email to the Habilitation Office's functional address: and only during the period specified.
The registration must contain
After the registration deadline, you will receive re-enrolment from us regarding your participation (acceptance, waiting list, cancellation). As soon as you have received the confirmation, participation is obligatory. If you are unable to attend the event after all, please cancel your registration immediately using the above email address.
Click here for the Faculty Development course programme