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  • Lehre Medizin

    Grafik vom Gebäude R.1 der Medizinischen Fakultät OWL
    Bielefeld University

Teaching practices

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														Madita Blanke

Madita Blanke

Koordinatorin Lehrpraxen-Netzwerk und Kursplanung

+49 521 106-67495

As part of their medical training, students gain intensive insights into the structures, processes and working methods of outpatient care through practical placements. The network of teaching practices in Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL), which is currently being set up, will cover the entire spectrum of GP care and many other outpatient specialities. In this way, students can gain experience in urban and rural practices of different sizes and specialisations as well as in medical care centres and experience the everyday life of doctors in private practice.

show students the broad spectrum of outpatient medicine

The medical degree programme at Bielefeld University focuses on GP care and outpatient medicine as a whole. The network of teaching practices enables students to familiarise themselves with the entire range of consultations in the outpatient sector at an early stage. Experience in communicating with patients is just as important for students as the experience of working together in an interprofessional practice team.

Teaching formats

The following teaching formats are offered as part of this: The practical phases include the block internships, the curriculum-accompanied clinical traineeship and the practical year. Students also supervise patients over a longer period of time as part of the longitudinal patient support programme.

How do I become a teaching practice?

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Teaching practice logo in the colours blue and white with two interlocking squares and the inscription Akademische Lehrpraxis der Bielefeld University.

Become a teaching practice!

By completing the following short questionnaire, you enable the structured collection of information that is important for the further accreditation process. We will be happy to clarify any open questions in personal contact with you.

Click here for the application form.

Haben Sie Interesse daran, sich mit lhrer Praxis als Lehrpraxis der Medizinischen Fakultät OWL einzubringen? Der Akkreditierungsprozess und die Didaktikschulungen für die hausärztlich versorgenden Praxen (Allgemeinmedizin, hausärztliche Innere Medizin und Pädiatrie) läuft seit einiger Zeit.

Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn Sie das unten auffindbare Antragsformular ausfüllen! Wir melden uns dann zeitnah bei Ihnen, um das weitere Vorgehen abzustimmen und sie in der Vorbereitung auf die Tätigkeit als Lehrpraxis der Universität Bielefeld zu unterstützen.

Sollten Sie in einem nicht-hausärztlichen Fachbereich tätig sein, bitten wir Sie noch um ein wenig Geduld.

Zögern Sie nicht, uns bei Fragen direkt zu kontaktieren (!

Die Voraussetzungen, um Lehrpraxis zu werden, finden Sie hier.

Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.

Antrag auf Akkreditierung als Lehrpraxis der Medizinischen Fakultät OWL der Universität Bielefeld/Selbstauskunft für hausärztlich tätige Praxen, Allgemeinmedizin, hausärztliche Internist*innen, Pädiater*innen



Angaben zur Praxisstruktur

Zeitweise eigener Raum mit Computerausstattung für Studierende vorhanden  

Angaben zur Praxisausstattung

Bitte geben Sie im Folgenden an, welche der aufgeführten Untersuchungen Sie in Ihrer Praxis durchführen können.

Sonographie Abdomen  
Sonographie Schilddrüse  
Kleine Chirurgie  

Arbeitsspektrum der Praxis

Werden die im Folgenden aufgeführten Tätigkeiten in Ihrer Praxis durchgeführt?

Regelmäßige Hausbesuche  
Patient*innen aller Altersgruppen  


Arbeitsplatz mit Internetverbindung  
EDV–gestützte Praxisverwaltung  

Bisherige Lehrerfahrung

Sind Sie bereits Lehrpraxis einer Universität?  

Haben Sie bereits Lehrerfahrung in den folgenden Lehrformaten?:


Haben Sie auch Interesse, Forschungspraxis der Medizinischen Fakultät OWL zu werden?  


Die Einwilligung ist freiwillig und jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufbar. Die Datenverarbeitung vor Ihrem Widerruf verbleibt rechtmäßig (wenden Sie sich bitte dafür an die fachliche Ansprechperson - siehe Datenschutzerklärung). Im Falle eines Widerrufs werden die personenbezogenen Daten umgehend gelöscht. Durch den Widerruf entstehen Ihnen keine Nachteile. Gesetzliche Erlaubnistatbestände bleiben von einem Widerruf der Einwilligung unberührt.

Die mit Stern * gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.

Teaching practice network OWL

Here you will find practices that are already part of our network of teaching practices.


Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the application for accreditation as a teaching practice at Bielefeld University

We require a completed application for accreditation from you. A copy of your licence to practise will only be required once a contract for teaching in your practice has been concluded.

We will usually contact you by email within two weeks of your application and arrange an appointment for a 30-minute phone call or video conference. This will allow us to get to know each other a little better and discuss the most important aspects of your work as a teaching doctor. We will then review the documents and the results of the interview and, if all requirements are met, you will receive a contract to work as a teaching practice at Bielefeld University and a corresponding certificate. Subsequently, participation in a didactics training course is mandatory for all teaching practices. We would also be happy to visit you in your practice in order to exchange ideas with you personally. Re-accreditation usually takes place every three years.

You are a specialist in general medicine, internal medicine or paediatrics and have been working independently in primary care for at least two years. You supervise more than 500 cases per quarter. You have office hours of at least 30 hours per week. You have an additional examination room in which students can examine patients independently at least some of the time. You also have a typical GP or general paediatric spectrum in the practice without a one-sided practice orientation.


For group practices

For joint practices, we recommend that all practice partners complete the accreditation form, as this will form the basis for the subsequent issue of the certificate.

Frequently asked questions and answers about working as a teaching practice

This depends, among other things, on your availability, the number of teaching physicians working in your practice and the available consultation rooms in order to ensure 1:1 supervision and to give students the opportunity to question and examine patients independently. We will be happy to advise you in accordance with the current requirements of the model degree programme.

Students are allocated to the teaching practices directly via the Medical School OWL. You will not have to spend any additional time on interviews. We will maintain a regular dialogue about your experiences with the students in your practice.

OUTLOOK: One exception to this is the practical year. Due to the intensity of this final stage of training, we would like to give you and the students the opportunity to get to know each other before you decide to work together.

We want to prepare you as well as possible for your tasks as teaching physicians. For this reason, a free training course in didactics with online and face-to-face modules totalling 3.5 hours is mandatory for accreditation. Among other things, the content of the internship phases will be discussed and special didactic skills will be taught, such as giving students structured re-enrolment (feedback). Opportunities for dialogue are also provided.

The face-to-face events are offered several times a year.

The time required depends on the teaching format and the students' level of training. The draft of the new Medical Licensing Regulations stipulates: "The teaching doctor shall spend a certain amount of time each day with the student, tailored to the training programme. During the training in the teaching practice, the students accompany the teaching doctor during patient contacts in the practice and during home visits. During the block work placement, for example, students conduct patient consultations, physical examinations and supplementary examinations independently every day where possible. Case discussions take place regularly." (ÄApprO § 34)

Just as we ask you to provide students with learning feedback, we also ask students to provide a structured evaluation of their work placement. This procedure has already proven its worth at other universities. It serves to monitor students' learning success and also supports respectful interaction between students and teaching staff, instructors, lectures. We discuss the evaluation results with colleagues at regular intervals so that you always have the opportunity to formulate your own experiences (including critical ones) and any need for support.

PJ training for students at Bielefeld University is expected to start in autumn 2026, with accreditation as a PJ practice taking place around one year in advance, currently from 2025.

You will receive an expense allowance for the teaching work performed, which is based on the remuneration of teaching internships at neighbouring universities. The expense allowance depends on the type of internship and amounts to EUR 250 for a one-week block work placement, for example.

Organisational issues

As teaching practice coordinator, Madita Blanke will be happy to answer your questions and provide further information.


Telephone number: 0521 / 106-67495

Postal address:

Teaching Practice Network OWL

Medical School OWL

Bielefeld University

University Road 25

33615 Bielefeld

As the model study programme and all processes relating to the teaching practice network are currently under construction, the information on this page will be updated regularly.

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